Vice President Kamala Harris was once recognized by everyone as the most liberal Senator of all. The liberal site Govtrack itself recognized this, until it changed its ranking system, likely to remove the “stigma” from Harris. The site has a snotty aside about how dumb “right wing media” are trying to make their action look nefarious.
Psst: Govtrack—we don’t believe you. It’s you who make yourselves look nefarious.
Now in 2024, Kam-Kam has been elevated to the status of secular Democratic saint, even though she was plopped in as the Democrats’ nominee when senile Joe Biden decided to drop out of the race. She came in dead last in the 2019 Democratic primaries causing her to drop out of the 2020 race, and she has managed to become the Dems’ nominee without having to face a single challenger in a primary or earn even one Democrat vote.
It is no surprise, then, that Kamala Harris feels bold and confident about her socialist, anti-freedom agenda. She’s like a clone of Biden, but even more radical. It was Biden’s Centers for Disease Control that took the unprecedented and highly unconstitutional step of effectively nationalizing the private landlord-tenant rental market during the pandemic. Remember when the CDC decided that it had the right to force landlords to continue housing tenants no matter what, even if they didn’t pay the rent, because evicting them would create a “public health” problem?
It was a move few of us ever thought could happen in America, but it did, and a cultural and legal precedent was set that we are going to continue to pay for.
Now, Harris is telling the world exactly what she’s going to do to put the screws to landlords and the entire housing market:
That’s right. Kamala believes she has the right to set prices on rents, and that she gets to decide what an “unfair” rent raise might be. As long as you frame it as Bad Corporations against Good Working Families, disastrous rent control policies that always kill the housing market will suddenly become good things, right?
Opposition to rent control is practically universal among economists. When the University of Chicago polled the nation’s top economists on their opinions of it, only a whopping 1% of economists favored rent control once answers were weighted for confidence.

Or as even the liberal Washington Post puts it in a headline; “The one issue every economist can agree is bad: Rent control.”
Let’s see what the internet has to say, and why not start at the top?
Uh-oh! Literal-minded liberals are having big trouble with understanding memes and humor again.
Ah, Kamrade Harris is looking revolutionary today!
Yes, they are, Chuck.