Kamala Harris Slammed For Alleged Flip Flopping On Border Wall

Kamala Harris has been accused of flip flopping over the southern border wall – or at least that’s what *she* would like you to believe.

Progress on the brainchild of Donald Trump has been largely stagnant since January 2021, with Democrats strongly opposed to its very existence.

The Democratic nominee previously described the wall as “un-American” and “a medieval vanity project”. She’s also called it a “complete waste of taxpayer money” and “stupid” during her tenure as Sen. for California.

In the video below, you can see a compilation of all the times Harris slammed the concept of a border wall – always for the purpose of attacking Trump.

However, keen to shake off her detested label of the “border czar”, Harris has voiced strong support for an (extremely weak) bipartisan immigration bill which she claims was held back by Trump-supporting lawmakers in Congress. Axois broke the story, with the headline “Harris flip-flops on building the border wall.”

The Vice President’s support for the bill has been known for some time; however, allegations of flip flopping came to light when Sen. James Lankford told Axios that the bill “requires the Trump border wall” in order to pass Congress.

As such, conservatives struck at the opportunity to accuse Harris of flip flopping.

It also raised questions as to whether Harris’ pinching of the idea from Trump signaled a disappointing campaign.

There is, of course, whether her pledges will ever see the light of day.

As if flip-flopping on the issue wasn’t bad enough, Harris’ flip-flop is in name only. Or put differently; she wants you to think she’s flip-flopped on the border, but all she’s changed is her rhetoric, not her actual stance.

As Matt Palumbo pointed out, “While various publications have claimed that Harris has flip-flopped on a border wall, that’s not entirely true.” He went on to quote a report from Just Facts that found; That claim is demonstrably false and is based on a misrepresentation of the Senate Border Act of 2024, which has been repeatedly misportrayed as a “tough” border bill. Axios’ article, written by Alex Thompson and Hans Nichols, claims that Harris promised to build a wall because she announced at the “Democratic National Convention last week” that she “would sign the recent bipartisan border security bill.” And according to a statement obtained by Axios from Republican Senator James Lankford (OK), the bill “requires the Trump border wall.”

Palumbo continues; “Harris’ support of this bill isn’t even anything new – the media is just trying to portray is that way because the border is Harris’ biggest weakness. The bill she’s  backing is one that Biden wanted passed – which is enough to tell you it doesn’t actually do anything to secure the border. Furthermore, per Agresti, the bill only makes funds for a border wall available – but it doesn’t actually require a border wall to be built. The only possible reason for making such funds available but not mandating them to be used for their claimed purpose is because they don’t actually want them to go towards a border wall.”

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