The highly anticipated JFK files, released on Tuesday, have revealed that a CIA operative who was convinced the agency had killed Kennedy was mysteriously found dead from suicide six months later. While the final batch of JFK documents, which includes 80,000 pages, offers “few revelations so far,” per The New York Times, one particular file concerning the death of CIA operative Gary Underhill has begun raising eyebrows.
The file states, “The day after the assassination, Gary Underhill left Washington in a hurry. Late in the evening, he showed up at the home of friends in New Jersey. He was very agitated.”
A small clique within the CIA was responsible for the assassination, he confided, and he was afraid for his life and probably would have to leave the country.
Less than six months later Underhill was found shot to death in his Washington apartment. The coroner ruled it suicide.“
According to Underhill’s friends, he was very disturbed after discovering that a “CIA clique which was carrying on a lucrative racket in gun-running, narcotics, and other contraband, and manipulating political intrigue to serve its own ends” had assassinated JFK. Kennedy allegedly got “wind that something was going on” but was ultimately taken out before he could “blow the whistle on it.”
Underhill’s friends initially didn’t take his claims seriously, refusing to believe that the CIA could be responsible for assassinating their own American president. However, his friends’ suspicions were raised following Underhill’s subsequent ‘suicide’ six months later.
“His body was found by a writing collaborator, Asher Brynes of the New Republic. He had been shot behind the left ear, and an automatic pistol was under his left side. Odd, says Brynes, because Underhill was right-handed.”
Brynes also wondered why a silencer had been fitted to the pistol and if Underhill had indeed used it.
The file states:
“Underhill obviously had been dead several days. Garry Underhill’s chilling story is hardly implausible.
As a spy apparatus, the CIA is honeycombed with self-contained cliques operating without any real central control.”
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