Group Offers to Pay “Queers for Hamas” Crazies $1 Million to Hold Pride March in Gaza

For some reason, whenever we want to joke about silly or self-defeating people, we often rope in a fast food restaurant to make the point. “Chickens for Kentucky Fried Chicken,” is a common joke made about people who vote or act against their own best interests. The Chick-Fil-A fast food chain famously ran years’ worth of ads featuring cows holding up signs saying “eat more chicken” as a cheeky way to poke fun at their burger competitors. 

But none of these humorous standbys seem sharp enough to describe the lunacy of so-called “trans people” demonstrating on behalf of “Palestine” or Gaza. Muslims in the middle east are famously hostile to gays and what you might call “gender dissidents.” Even the absurdly left-wing Wikipedia acknowledges that gay people aren’t very safe in most middle eastern countries. 

Check this find out from Oli London, himself a former gender-bender. London, who has had more than 30 cosmetic surgeries to make himself look variously like a Korean person and/or a woman, says he has turned over a new leaf. Newly non-woke, London says he regrets his time as a “trans influencer” and now wants to expose the hypocrisy and the harm of the growing transgender movement. 

You read that right; anew campaigning group called the New Tolerance Campaign is dangling $1 million in front of any “Queers for Palestine” activist brave enough to put their money where their mouth is and hold a pride march in “Palestine.” There is no such country, of course, but the group is probably referring to the Gaza strip. 

Yes, believe it or not, so-called “trans” and “queer” people around the U.S. have demonstrated on behalf of “Palestine,” and genuinely seem to believe they’d be loved and accepted. It’s more likely in a Muslim country that they’d be summarily hung or thrown off the top of a skyscraper. 

Let’s see what X users had to say.

This one’s funny because it’s true (and grim). The only problem is the people look too normal and they’re not fat enough.

This is what the youth call a “sick burn”:

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