Former Harry Potter Fan And Leftist Posts Best Self-Own You’ll See This Week

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has become the anti-Christ to the far left since advocating her support for women’s rights.

A vocal critic of transgenderism, Rowling has long defended the right for women to enjoy freedoms and liberties without men “identifying” as women interfering.

It’s quite obvious that those who have taken issue with her common sense stances aren’t the most normal bunch.

Earlier this week, one Twitter/X user took to the platform to celebrate completely blacking out a series of Harry Potter tattoos she got when she was younger, citing Rowling’s views on trans issues as the catalyst. “After years spent finding the perfect artist, scheduling session after session, and spending thousands of dollars, my Harry Potter sleeve is finally completely blacked out,” she wrote. Adding “fuck JK Rowling and every transphobe and TERF [trans-exclusionary radical feminist] on the planet.”

Take X user @glitterwitchx, who decided to “black out” her Harry Potter sleeve tattoo.

One user trolled her, writing “Wait, so in your youth you made a permanent change to your body that you grew to regret???”

She didn’t realize she was being mocked, and admitted “yes it’s amazing how right my dad was about the whole thing.”

Despite her efforts to delete the post, it was soon shared widely on social media.

In times of turbulence, it gave many users on X a much-needed chuckle.

Amazingly, when presented with the question or whether or not children should be able to get get either tattoos or puberty blockers, they say no to the former and yes to the latter.

6 thoughts on “Former Harry Potter Fan And Leftist Posts Best Self-Own You’ll See This Week”

  1. Liberalism is a mental retardation. Most people mature through and past adolesence. They grow out of the notion that they actually know more than their parents with less than a fraction of the life experience their parents have. Liberals never grow out of that rebellious period where they know better than everyone else. Arrested development.

    1. Agreed but I take it a step further and say Liberalism is a mental disorder brought on by a spiritual one. In other words, we are born into the world spiritually dead and although our brain and body is alive physically, our mind and thoughts are tainted by the nurture and nature of this fallen body and world system.
      Only a spiritual birth can reverse this, and what Jesus referred to as being “born-again”, that is by the Holy Spirit of God.
      Until then, our old nature actually CRAVES this woke, hive-mind thinking, that sets itself up as god and the ultimate authority in the world. That is why they believe so fervently and work to enforce them on others- because to them, it IS their religion. It’s false, but to them it is true.

  2. I just don’t get these people. Dan Bongino likes to remind people how important it is to ask, “And then what?” They don’t. They just don’t look at the future. The excuse of, “if you don’t allow this you are responsible for a kids suicide,” is B.S. If someone kills themselves it’s on them. It’s been debunked by at least one countries NHS. From my own personal experience with my young adult this has all been fueled by 2yrs of school lock downs and anxiety caused by Covid hysteria. I feel like I’m dragging my child by her hair into adulthood. I know I’m not the only one.

  3. Leftists never listen to themselves. “If you don’t let me cut my junk off, I’ll kill myself!” This is not a rational argument on any level, but Democrats embrace it in the hopes of picking up a few votes. It’s manipulative and evil.

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