We talk about Trump Derangement Syndrome in a comical way, usually. Oh, we mean it. People who exhibit TDS really do seem deranged, but we often toss that label off laughingly. These people aren’t really crazy, are they?
Yes, I think they are. But not “crazy” in the way we usually think of when we think of mental illness. These people are not suffering from schizophrenic hallucinations. They’re not manic depressives off their medication, blowing their life savings on a gambling or shopping binge. It’s not that kind of crazy.
It’s worse.
Look at the behavior of the entire Democratic Senate during Trump’s address to Congress. Every single one of them refused to stand or applaud for a 13-year-old boy with brain cancer who was honored with a membership in the Secret Service. We’ve never seen anything like this before in modern times.
Look at the scowling leftist women bedecked in pink “for women” who voted, every last one of them, against a bill to protect girls from the invasion of privacy and the danger of being hurt by “trans girls” (boys and men) playing on their sports teams. That’s right. The “feminists” voted against protecting girls from larger, stronger boys in school sports.
This is a kind of “crazy” that’s not normal mental illness. In my opinion, a great number of these deranged leftists have something called a Cluster B personality disorder. You know these “disorders” by common names like pathological narcissism, emotional instability (borderline personality disorder), and psychopathy.
I think we’re seeing this kind of character disorder in the video I’m going to show below. It features a woman and a man (he wears makeup and claims to be a woman) who are lying about and publicly abusing Payton McNabb. McNabb is the young woman who was severely injured in a high school volleyball competition because a strong young man calling himself a “trans girl” was allowed to play as a girl. He spiked the ball into McNabb’s face so hard she is left with partial paralysis on her right side.
Here’s the video with the woman and the “trans woman.” They target McNabb, and call her a “perpetrator” because McNabb filmed a “trans woman” barging into the ladies’ bathroom. You know, that place where men don’t belong. For her “sin,” McNabb has now been kicked out of her sorority.
Payton McNabb herself shared the video on her X/Twitter feed.
Take a good look and listen to these two. The vocal fry, the mannerisms, the smirking stare into the camera by this deranged man. In my view, you’re looking at serious personality disorders in these people, and in the people who share their views. Something is desperately morally wrong with grown men putting on makeup and targeting young women for shame, and calling them “perpetrators”, because these young women are objecting to actual abuse.
Here’s what X/Twitter users had to say:
Woke Spy readers, I usually write in a light or sarcastic tone of voice, but in this article I’m giving it to you straight. I have unfortunate personal, family, and professional experience with people who have these personality and character disorders. They are not merely and only irritating or obnoxious, they are often very dangerous. Look for the signs, and watch your back.