“Democracy Is Incredibly Strong… And Incredibly Fragile” – Clip Shows Why Kamala Harris Speaks With A Teleprompter

Vice President Kamala Harris has been criticized by many throughout her month-old campaign so far for her benevolence of teleprompters.

In a stark contrast to Republican rival Donald Trump’s free-flowing speeches at campaign events, Harris has often read her pre-written speech – often twice in one day to different voters – from a script to ensure there are no errors akin to those which have become synonymous with her alleged President Joe Biden.

Her fondness for reading pre-planned material has come at a cost; Harris has been slammed for avoiding the media thus far, with her campaign rallies largely focusing on rejuvenating disgruntled Democrats who only planned to vote against Biden, rather than vote for Trump.

On Sunday, August 18, Harris spoke in Pennsylvania – a swing state which is crucial for her campaign if she is to be successful on election day. Addressing supporters in front of a poorly painted background, the Democrat once again jumbled her words as she spoke without a teleprompter.

“Our election is about understanding the importance of this beautiful country of ours in terms of what we stand for around the globe as a democracy,” she told supporters.  “As a democracy, we know there’s a duality to the nature of democracy. On the one hand, incredible strength when it is intact. What it does for its people to protect and defend their rights, their liberty, and their freedom. Incredibly strong. And incredibly fragile.”

And surely it was all unburdened by what has been.

Watch for yourself – and bonus points if you can figure out what she’s saying to say.

Reaction to the speech on social media suggested that many people did not have clue what Harris was on about.

Of course, it’s always worth remembering that Harris is one of two people who could possibly be the country’s next president.

6 thoughts on ““Democracy Is Incredibly Strong… And Incredibly Fragile” – Clip Shows Why Kamala Harris Speaks With A Teleprompter”

  1. If she does an unscripted press conference, she runs the risk of repeating what happened to Biden in the CNN debate. The video of her being an ineffective and vacuous giggler spewing out a word salad. It is like the old story “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. No one can unsee her being a Cacklin’ idiot and forget that it happened.

  2. Kamala “The Coward” Harris thinks America is a Democracy, we are not a Democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic and the founders did that on purpose because Democracies become mob rule, a Constitutional Republic safe guards our rights unlike Democracies that can take away your rights in a single election. Kamala Harris is pushing a communist agenda.

    There is only one choice this election and that is Donald J. Trump, are you better off today under the Biden/Harris regime or were you better off under the Trump presidency? The answer is simple, America was better off under Trump and his America First policies.

  3. Bill Clinton was the last democrat who could speak without a telepromter. He needs to give lessons to the rest of democrats on how to do it. The late night shows are going to have a field day with Kamala if she gets elected.

    1. The late night shows will be no more and the stooges that host them will be in the gulag for crimes against the USSA.

  4. “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” – George Carlin

    And what is even more horrific is that they vote…

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