CNN Commentator Stuns Liberal Panel Into Silence At The DNC

For much of the past week, the Democratic National Convention has been a non-stop Donald Trump-bashing affair.

Absent of new ideas and influential policy, the DNC has largely focused on the so-called risks of a Trump presidency rather than addressing the issues currently facing America.

It’s a desperate measure. Although the former president has been a domineering figure in U.S. politics for the best part of a decade, he was only commander-in-chief for four of those years. By contrast, the Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years – a fact which a conservative commentator on CNN pointed out on a panel discussion day three of the DNC.

Commentator Scott Jennings, addressed the liberal panel following the speech by Minnesota Gov. and Kamala Harris’ running mate, Tim Walz.

“The gaffe that I still see in all of these speeches, as good as they were, is that she’s in the White House right now,” Jennings said on CNN. “Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years.”

“For all the talk about divisions and problems in the country and people are hurting, Democrats have mostly controlled this country…. and somehow, it’s still all Trump’s fault and somehow she hasn’t been at the center of it. So to me, that’s still the glaring hole of this campaign that hasn’t yet been solved at this convention. How do you explain all the problems that will be solved, by the person who is currently in there, for the past 3.5 years, that is supposed to already be working on solving them?” he asked.

With CNN’s commentators stunned into silence, many on social media praised Jennings for his remarks.

Others noted the reaction from CNN’s liberal pundits.

7 thoughts on “CNN Commentator Stuns Liberal Panel Into Silence At The DNC”

  1. ANTI-DEMOCRATIC PARTY leftist filth have ALWAYS run on: ‘vote for me to keep the Republican out.’

    They NEVER have solutions, only negative political strategies to gain/keep power.

    Democrats are the DC sewer.

    And they infest the Republican party as well.

  2. Axelrod couldn’t defend Oblahblah’s record and none of them can defend Biden’s or Harris’s abysmal ‘accomplishments’. The folks at this convention must be without intelligence or at least with common sense, all this hype for nothing.

    1. They are people without: Principles, morals, ethics, integrity, honor, a sense of duty or any ability whatsoever to tell the truth about anything…this is what these people are!

  3. They are not interested in solving anything. They want “Control”. Authoritarian, one world order, open borders, race based socialist technocracy. Wake Up. So give up your freedom of speech & your weapons, because we said so.

  4. They have no clue as to how to solve the problems they caused. All they have is “Trump’s gonna do this or that”; “Trump will destroy Democracy”, “Trump will ruin the economy” (I love that one), “Trump will get us into a war” (that one too). It’s all total BS.

    What they’re really worried about is the end of Ukrainian money laundering, the end of illegal alien voting, preservation of the Second Amendment, lower taxes, the death of “woke” & DEI crapola, Health Care reform, and their own hides.

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