Woke Education

Woke Education

New Jersey Teachers No Longer Required To Pass Basic Reading And Writing Tests Under New Law

Teachers in New Jersey will no longer be required to read and write at a basic level after a new law came into effect.

As of Wednesday, Jan. 8, teachers will not need to pass a basic reading, writing and mathematics test which assesses their literacy skills to a sixth-grade level. The new law, Act 1669, was signed by Gov. Phil Murphy in June 2024.

The law states, “[T]he State Board of Education shall not require a candidate seeking a certificate of eligibility, a certificate of eligibility with advanced standing, a provisional certificate, or a standard instructional certificate to complete a Commissioner of Education-approved test of basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills including, but not limited to, the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test, in order to obtain a certificate of eligibility, a certificate of eligibility with advanced standing, a provisional certificate, or a standard instructional certificate.”

The new law is designed to remove what the New Jersey Education Association described as “barriers” into teaching, but it will effectively open the door to DEI hires within education, as the true purpose for it was to help meet certain diversity objectives. As is always the case, when certain “diverse” groups fail to meet standards, the standards are immediately branded “racist” and then reduced. This can even be seen at the gender-level, when standards for male jobs like firefighter are lower for women, simply because they’re exceedingly possible for a woman to pass.

Many on social media were bamboozled by the law’s introduction.

Others mentioned how it was yet another law to promote DEI.

Woke Education

Georgia Universities To End DEI Practices In Wake Of Trump’s Victory

DEI initiatives, institutional neutrality and a compulsory education in the United States’ founding documents are among a number of sweeping new changes instigated by the University System of Georgia’s Board of Regents.

26 colleges and universities across the state will be impacted by the changes, as well as the Georgia Archives and the Georgia Public Library Service.

“USG institutions shall remain neutral on social and political issues unless such an issue is directly related to the institution’s core mission,” according to the proposed revisions.

Ideological tests, affirmations, and diversity statements are set to be banned from admissions processes, while applicants will no longer be asked questions about their political beliefs. Meanwhile, recruitment will focus on potential employees possessing “the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with the role, and is believed to have the ability to successfully perform the essential functions, responsibilities, and duties associated with the position for which the individual is being considered.”

Beginning next year, students will study historic documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, the Articles of Confederation, the Federalist Papers, the Gettysburg Address, the Emancipation Proclamation, and Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter from Birmingham Jail, as well as the Georgia Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The move follows a recent shift away from DEI initiatives by universities following Republican efforts to eradicate wokeism. Earlier this year, the University of North Carolina axed its DEI programs in changes which were expected to save around $17 million.

Some commenters on social media noted how the changes came into effect shortly after Trump’s victory in the presidential election.

Others called for similar reforms across the rest of the nation.

LGBTQ+, Woke, Woke Education

DeSantis Delivers: New College Purges Leftist Literature

In a resounding victory for conservative values, Florida’s New College has finally cleared its shelves of leftist propaganda. Under the bold leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis, the institution has taken a stand against the liberal indoctrination that has plagued our education system for far too long. Hundreds of books pushing radical LGBTQ+ agendas and other extreme leftist ideologies have been rightfully removed from the library, much to the chagrin of the usual suspects.

While snowflakes are melting down over this long-overdue cleanup, real Americans are applauding the move. It’s about time someone had the guts to challenge the status quo and protect our young minds from the onslaught of woke nonsense. This isn’t censorship, folks – it’s a return to sanity and traditional American values.

Liberals Throw Tantrum Over “Banned” Books

Predictably, the left is having a field day, crying censorship and oppression. But let’s get real – nobody’s banning these books. They’re simply being removed from a state-funded institution that shouldn’t be in the business of promoting radical ideologies. If people want to read about gender theory or critical race theory, they can do it on their own dime.

“We basically tried to communicate to officials that there were educational nonprofits and shelters that were immediately willing to bring trucks and save all of the books … and officials refused,” whined Zander Moricz, executive director at SEE.

Sorry, Zander, but Florida law prevents state-funded materials from being sold or donated. Maybe if you’d spent less time reading about gender studies and more time studying actual laws, you’d know that. The college is simply following proper procedures for disposing of outdated or irrelevant materials.

DeSantis: Making Florida Great Again

This move is just the latest in Governor DeSantis’ efforts to restore sanity to Florida’s education system. He’s already signed laws banning the use of state or federal funding for divisive diversity programs. It’s clear that DeSantis is committed to making Florida a beacon of conservative values in a sea of liberal madness.

“A library needs to regularly review and renew its collection to ensure its materials are meeting the current needs of students and faculty,” a college spokesperson stated, cutting through the liberal hysteria.

Despite the left’s attempts to paint this as some sort of nefarious plot, the truth is far less exciting. This is simply part of a standard “weeding” process that all libraries undergo. But don’t expect the mainstream media to report on that – it doesn’t fit their narrative of conservative “book-burning.”

A Win for Academic Freedom

Ironically, by removing these biased materials, New College is actually promoting true academic freedom. Students will now be free to form their own opinions without being bombarded by one-sided, leftist propaganda. This is what real education looks like – presenting facts, not forcing ideologies down students’ throats.

As we celebrate this victory for common sense, let’s remember that the fight isn’t over. Liberals will continue to push their agenda in our schools and universities. But with leaders like Governor DeSantis at the helm, we can rest assured that Florida will remain a bastion of conservative values and true academic freedom. The tide is turning, folks, and it’s about time.

Woke, Woke Education

Eric Kaufmann Warns of Cultural Crisis in Latest Book, “The Third Awokening”

Canadian professor and renowned author Eric Kaufmann has released his highly anticipated new book, The Third Awokening.

Professor Kaufmann, who was appointed as a professor of politics at the prestigious University of Buckingham in October 2023 after being hounded out of his previous role at Birkbeck, University of London, released his latest work on May 13, 2024, following the success of Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration and the Future of White Majorities.

In The Third Awokening, Kaufmann argues that progressive illiberalism and deculturation was powered by well-meaning liberals, rather than post-Marxist radicals. He claims that the Woke movement is a cultural revolution which can only be stopped by “drastic intervention” throughout institutions and culture.

The “Third Awokening” refers to the third wave of cultural-left ideological enthusiasm, each more damning than the last. Kaufmann argues that this has led to a crime wave, a worsening education system, an uncontrolled border and greater social division than ever before.

Kaufmann notes the growing discontent among young people towards conservative speech, highlighting that this demographic will be the median voters and employee in the not-too-distant future. Furthermore, the 54-year-old points to the differences between Woke cultural socialism and classical liberalism, showcasing how modern Left-liberalism focuses on a “majorities bad, minorities good” philosophy. This, Kaufmann argues, is powered by “liberal” emotional attachments rather than principles, thus underpinning a moral panic among White males across the West.

Claiming that today’s Woke extremism is a perverse extension of liberalism, Professor Kaufmann argues that the way to “break the grip of Wokeness in our institutions and schools” is through constitutional, government power. By doing so, society can steer tomorrow’s electorate towards neutrality and classical liberalism.

For this to be possible, the conservative and moderate majority must focus on culture and “spare no effort to win the battle of ideas”. Alas, Kaufmann presents a twelve-point plan for rolling back progressive extremism, which is detailed throughout The Third Awokening.

“We are in a cultural emergency,” said Kaufmann in launching the book. “The demise of Woke is greatly exaggerated; young people are much more Woke than their elders, and will be tomorrow’s median voter and institutional leader, transforming our culture in an illiberal direction.

“If we don’t reform education soon, it’s going to be game over for our traditional culture of expressive freedom and civic patriotism,” he added.

Reaction to the release has been largely positive given the interesting insight Kaufmann offers.

Others shared their own experiences with Woke extremism in educational settings.

The Third Awokening is available to purchase in the United States and Canada. It is scheduled to be released in the United Kingdom on June 20.

Woke Education

Woke Extremism in Education: Navigating the Challenges for Centrist Families

Woke ideology has crept its way from the political discourse to the classroom throughout the 21st century.

Its presence is changing the way our children think, believe, and what they know. Rather than teaching on the wrongs of discrimination, schools across the world have fallen foul of submitting to woke extremism.

This, tragically, has had real-life consequences, such as the case of Richard Bilkszto. A passionate teacher who had served the Toronto District School Board for more than 24 years was “beloved by thousands of students whose lives he uplifted” until he fell afoul of his employer in two Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) sessions in 2021.

The former principal was berated for his defense that Canada was a less racist place than the United States, with the presenter at the sessions making his comments as examples of white supremacy. Despite his career-long efforts to combat discrimination, Bilkszto was alienated by his former colleagues which forced him into sick leave.

Two years later, Bilkszto took his own life.

The Fraser Institute said his death was the result “when school boards place an inappropriate emphasis on race and gender identity and make it their mission to ensure everyone thinks the same way”. Bilkszto did not discriminate with his comments, but was treated as the enemy for providing an alternative point of view – the fundamental basis of woke extremism.

The year 2023 saw multiple instances of the insanity of cancel culture. In May, Northwestern University’s Associated Student Government used emergency legislation to defund the campus’ Republicans chapter following a speech by prominent author James Lindsay. In California, Democrats sought to introduce a bill which would have seen parents charged, fined, and possibly jailed for causing “substantial disorder” at school board meetings.

This mentality throughout North America impacts education for children. Even in their adolescent ages, children hold views on how the world should be run. When woke extremism infects the classroom, children are ostracized for holding an alternative point of view – an ironic contradiction of the woke extremist ‘commitment’ to diversity and inclusion.

For conservative parents, woke extremism in education can be a daunting battle. Although cancel culture is often reserved for celebrities, parents can feel as if their personal or professional reputation is at risk, forcing them into silence.

Given the woke ideology to enforce its views on those it does not directly contact, parents should avoid challenging policies in other schools. Instead, conservative mothers and fathers can influence policy at their local school board meetings, challenging and questioning woke extremism when it tries to enter the curriculum.

This can also apply to students. Through critical thinking, conservative students can raise questions about certain teachings by exploring alternative ideas to those presented in the classroom. Albeit daunting, critical thinking and outspokenness is a life skill which will benefit children, teenagers, and young adults in their future careers.

Woke extremism is a challenge for parents and students alike. However, the Constitution protects free speech, and one should never feel afraid to use the rights which protect them.

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