TikToker Threatens Musk’s Life, Brags About Back Taxes-IRS Found Her!
“Spare the rod and spoil the child.”
Whether you take this literally or not, it is not merely a “saying.” Modern permissive and indulgent parenting may not credit this, but never saying no to a child, never putting a limit on what you will do for them, and never making them pay a price for antisocial behavior, will actually spoil that child.
A spoiled child isn’t merely a kid who’s not sufficiently grateful for a treasure trove of Christmas presents. Truly spoiled children grow up into narcissistic and exploitative adults. They remain “spoiled children,” but they’re old enough to do bigger damage in the world. A child who never experienced consequences for breaking the rules, stealing what wasn’t hers, or defying legal or social conventions, will become an adult who exploits others, parasitizes her friends, and breaks the law without a care.
We’ve got at least two generations of spoiled children—Millennials and Gen Z—under our belts in America now. The obvious rise in narcissistic, abusive, attention-seeking behavior on every screen and device we look at shows it. Many of these children-in-adult-bodies aren’t ever going to grow up. No, they’re not going to “get a real world lesson when they get into the workforce,” because they’re now the bosses of the workplace. We’re stuck with this.
Lawlessness among allegedly respectable adults has become “new normal” at the highest levels. New Jersey Governor Chris Murphy felt comfortable and confident taunting Immigration and Customs Enforcement on camera a few weeks ago, daring them to “come get” what seemed to be an illegal alien that Murphy said he wanted to move into his extra apartment so she could evade detection.
Maine Governor Janet Mills attended a lunch meeting at the White House recently and confidently stated to President Trump’s face that she was going to defy his lawful executive order. That order instructed the states to stop allowing so called “trans girls” (that is, boys and men) to compete on girls’ sports teams. If they refused to halt this behavior, the government would cut off all federal funding to the state. “See you in court,” Mills sniped at Trump when he told her “you’d better comply.”
This level of open defiance of the rule of law is new in America, and it’s happening almost exclusively on the left. It’s the result of spoiled, narcissistic children in adult bodies. We can’t know how they were raised at home, but we can see that leftists have gotten away with violence, illegal court maneuvers, and defiance of the law for years with pretty much no consequences.
That’s why women like this exist. Take a look at this woman’s TikTok video and marvel. She affects a girlish manner, inserting the word “like” into every sentence, and preening for the camera, while she calls for the assassination of Elon Musk. The lack of consequences in her life is obvious, as she moves right onto admitting that she has not paid taxes in eight years. That’s because there aren’t enough people to investigate her for her threats or unpaid taxes, she says.
By the by, readers, your correspondent comes from a family shot through with what are called “Cluster B personality disorders.” These are extreme narcissism, emotional instability, pathological lying, and the like (you know, leftist behaviors). Pay attention to the way she moves her face, pay attention to the “crazy eyes,” and take note of the fashionable “serial killer” glasses. You will often find this presentation in unstable and dangerous people.
In this case, the consequences might just come. It seems that the IRS did notice, and they believe they have sufficient staff to investigate:
Let’s see what onlookers had to say.
OK, this one’s funny.