Author name: Donald Fitzpatrick

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Defund the Police Activist Begs for Their Help To Recover Stolen U-Haul Truck

A San Francisco, California, resident’s plea to recover a stolen truck went viral after netizens uncovered her calls to defund the police. “If you see a 26 foot U-Haul truck with the Arizona plate AL50003- would you let me know because it had like everything I own on it,” Darcie Bell posted on X.

Bell filed a police complaint, followed by a social media tirade about them failing to recover her stolen truck immediately. “I haven’t found my sh*t! The cops didn’t do sh*t! U-Haul made me file a f—ing police report!” she told The Washington Post. “There’s cameras all over this city. They haven’t done s—! … I just want my stuff back!”

Despite her predicament, the irony was not lost on social media users when a “Defund the Police” activist complained about their failure to recover her stolen property. “Anti Police activist begs the police to help her after she was robbed…,” posted the San Francisco Bay Area politics account Bay State of Mind.

Two months earlier, Bell had advocated for defunding the police, saying, “We pay them a whole lot to do less.” She was responding to an anti-police campaign that sold the “Defund the Police” masks. She posted an accompanying chart aiming to show that police spending was up in the Bay Area as the already anemic crime clearance rate has gone done – though the chart actually shows police spending decreasing at least 30% from 2019 in inflation-adjusted terms.

In fact, the number of full time cops on the streets there dropped from nearly 1,900 in 2017 to about 1,500 in 2023.

The size of the police’s budget and force aside, San Francisco’s police force has effectively been prevented from doing their jobs due to the far-left progressives on the city council – and even an increase in the number of police wouldn’t stop that.

To save herself from the embarrassment, Bell claimed she did not call the police. She also threatened to respond to tweets calling her out for the hypocrisy with ad hominem attacks. 

An anti-police socialist group called “Defund the San Francisco Police Department Now,” wants the SFPD defunded, disarmed, and disbanded and the funds reinvested in the “Brown and Black communities.” “We must reimagine public safety, defund the police, and refund our communities,” the group says, adding that “roughly 99% of police calls for service are not in response to violence but property crime and non-criminal matters.”

That’s hardly surprising in a world where the overwhelming majority of crimes are non-violent. It’s also worth noting that the average progressive doesn’t think armed robbery is violence as long as nobody gets physically injured.

Ironically, the crime that Bell has fallen victim to is in that “99%” of crimes that defund the police activists don’t think count as real crimes.

Oh well.

AOC, Left-wing extremism, The Squad

AOC’s Squad Is Losing Its Power

The once-mighty “Squad” of far-left Democrats is crumbling as voters reject their radical agenda and embrace common sense.

Squad Shrinks as Voters Show Progressive Pals the Door

In a stunning rebuke to the far-left wing of the Democratic Party, two members of the infamous “Squad” have recently been unceremoniously booted from office by their own constituents. Reps. Cori Bush of Missouri and Jamaal Bowman of New York both lost their primary battles, dealing a massive blow to the progressive movement that has been holding the Democratic Party hostage for years.

The defeat of these radical leftists sends a clear message: Americans are tired of the Squad’s destructive policies and divisive rhetoric. It seems voters have finally woken up to the damage these socialist sympathizers have been inflicting on our great nation.

Pro-Israel Groups Fight Back Against Anti-Semitic Squad

One of the driving forces behind the Squad’s downfall was the massive spending by pro-Israel groups, particularly AIPAC. These patriotic organizations poured nearly $25 million into efforts to unseat Bush and Bowman, exposing their anti-Israel stance and questionable loyalties.

“If you asked any any voter in any of these districts at the start of this cycle, ‘Do you know how your member of Congress voted on the infrastructure bill?’ no one would say yes,” Usamah Andrabi, a spokesman for the progressive Justice Democrats, told The Associated Press. “No one was thinking about a vote that happened three years ago for a bill that passed.”

Well, Mr. Andrabi, it looks like voters were paying attention after all. Maybe it’s time for the Justice Democrats to face justice themselves at the ballot box.

Squad’s Scandals and Missteps Catch Up to Them

It wasn’t just their radical policies that did Bush and Bowman in. Both representatives were embroiled in scandals that likely contributed to their downfall. Bush is currently under investigation by the Justice Department for potentially misusing campaign funds – a classic move from the party that claims to fight for the little guy.

“Mr. Bowman just went a little bit over the top. Some of his comments, a lot over the top. I think he just became his own worst enemy,” said Rep. Lois Frankel (D-Fla.).

Meanwhile, Bowman sealed his fate when he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor for pulling a House fire alarm. Apparently, the Squad’s idea of “fighting the system” involves childish pranks that waste taxpayer money and emergency resources.

Moderate Democrats Celebrate as Sanity Returns

With the Squad’s influence waning, moderate Democrats are breathing a sigh of relief. These level-headed lawmakers are regaining strength in primaries and special elections across the country, signaling a return to reason within the party.

“I see this as a member who failed to represent the people who sent him there. And they made a decision that they wanted a different representative,” said Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.).

Even President Biden seems to be distancing himself from the Squad’s extreme positions, shifting rightward on key issues like immigration. It’s about time the Democrats realized that pandering to the far-left fringe is a losing strategy.

The End of an Error

As the dust settles on these primary defeats, it’s clear that the Squad’s days of wielding outsized influence in the House are numbered. Their social media popularity may have garnered attention, but it couldn’t save them from the wrath of voters who are fed up with their destructive agenda.

With the 2024 elections on the horizon, conservatives have reason to celebrate. The Squad’s implosion is just the beginning of what promises to be a reckoning for the radical left. It’s time to take back our country from these socialist wannabes and return to the values that made America great.


New Study Finds DEI Policies In Medicine Are Literally Killing Patients

As the old joke goes; what do you call someone who graduates last in their class in medical school? Doctor.

Common sense suggests that so-called “diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)” policies in medicine are risking lives, and the data to support that theory already exists.

Prominent conservative attorney John LeFevre shared a 2022 study on X proving this. Authored by Norwegian professors, the study titled, “Does Your Doctor Matter? Doctor Quality and Patient Outcomes” claims that a standard deviation increase in doctor quality is associated with a 12.2% decline in a patient’s two-year mortality risk.

“Using a lower bound of the predicted value of an additional life year in Norway ($35,000), our results demonstrate that replacing the worst performing GPs (bottom 5 percent of the VA distribution) with GPs of average quality generates a social benefit of $27,417 per patient, $9.05 million per GP, or $934 million in total,” the report’s abstract reads. “At the same time, our results show that higher-quality GPs are associated with a lower per-patient cost.”

LeFerve also shared a picture showing how affirmative action impacts medical school acceptance rates.

As can be gleaned by the chart, Black medical school applicants in the bottom 10% of applicants are accepted into med school at roughly the same rates as whites and Asians from the top 10% of applicants. The American Medical Association limits the number of doctors licensed every year, making this an especially dangerous zero sum game.

Quite simply, if medical professionals are employed based on their qualifications, rather than other measures such as skin color, then patients are likely to receive a better quality of care – though you probably didn’t need to be told that.

Many on social media shared their own harrowing experiences of DEI in medicine.

Another called for the need of artificial intelligence in medicine.

One user also highlighted another profession where DEI is perhaps best avoided.


Biden Treasury Secretary Claims National Debt In a “Reasonable Place”

For decades both parties have opted to kick the can down the road indefinitely when it came to the national debt problem, only ever pretending to care about it – but now the Biden-Harris administration is denying that there is one at all.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who infamously described Bidenflation as “transitory” (and then had to apologize for it) is out with some even more questionable economic arguments. 

According to CNBC: “Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the swelling national debt is manageable as long as it stays around where it is relative to the rest of the economy. ‘If the debt is stabilized relative to the size of the economy, we’re in a reasonable place,’ she told CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin. ‘The way I look at it is that we should be looking at the real interest cost of the debt. That’s really what the burden is.'”

The public share of the national debt as a share of GDP is running at about 97% but is expected to soon top 100% at current spending rates. In other words, the national debt is on track to eclipse the size of the entire U.S. economy’s annual output.

Just this fiscal year alone (starting October 1, 2023), interest costs on the national debt have exceeded $600 billion, which is more than the government spent on healthcare of defense, and four times its education expenditures. In the entirety of the 2023 fiscal year, interest costs were $659 billion.

With the exception of the beginning of the pandemic and other years of the Biden presidency, the prior all-time-high for interest spending on the national debt was $468 billion in 1996 (in inflation adjusted 2024 dollars). Nearly 80% of personal income tax revenue is now going towards servicing interest on the national debt.

Yellen touted President Joe Biden’s plans to supposedly manage the situation he exacerbated by biblical proportions. “In the budget the president presented for this coming fiscal year he proposes $3 trillion of deficit reduction over the next decade,” she said. “That’s sufficient to basically keep the debt to income ratio stable, and this interest burden would be stabilized.”

The budget deficit for 2024 is running at $1.2 trillion with four months left in the fiscal year. In 2023, the shortfall totaled $1.7 trillion.

Hilariously, Biden has claimed to reduce the deficit.

While you probably don’t need to be reminded; anytime anyone hears the words “Biden” and “deficit reduction” they should be skeptical. Two years into the Biden presidency the national debt has surged by $4 trillion – yet if you listened to Biden you’d be believing that it went down by $1.7 trillion, a bogus claim he’s repeated on numerous occasions.

There is an appearance of truth to the claim if one doesn’t dive deeper into the figures; the budget deficit fell from $2.8 trillion to $1.4 trillion from fiscal year 2021-2022 for instance, accounting for most of the claimed $1.7 trillion reduction. However, in that same time period there was a $1.45 trillion drop in spending (104% of the deficit reduction) due to COVID programs either shrinking or expiring. And those are programs that would shrink or expire even if Trump were still in office, so it’s hardly anything Biden can take credit for, as he didn’t actually do anything. 

Similarly, the Biden administration has pointed to the deficit of $2.8 trillion in fiscal year 2021 as being $360 billion lower than the $3.1 trillion deficit in Trump’s last year in office. But again, the deficit was supposed to decline by more if Biden had done nothing. The Congressional Budget Office estimated the deficit would’ve declined by $870 billion if the Biden administration didn’t implement any new policies and Trump’s remained in place. Or in other words, Biden contributed a disguised net $510 billion to the deficit that year.

Every single time the Biden administration has made claims about reducing the debt or deficit they’ve been lying with statistics – and it seems unlikely they’d start telling the truth now.


76% of Your Income Taxes Are Now Going Towards Interest on The National Debt

When it comes to the money the government is siphoning off you through income taxes, most of it is literally going up in smoke.

The most recent Treasury data showed that as the federal government surpasses a record $35 trillion national debt, $1.1 trillion will be spent on interest payments alone this fiscal year. 

According to reports: Interest payments on the federal debt now account for 76% of all personal income taxes collected. This means that for every dollar Americans pay in income tax, about 76 cents go towards paying interest on the national debt.

Roughly 45%, or nearly half of the federal government’s revenue is from personal income taxes. 

The “76%” statistic is from the latest data from June, which showed that the U.S. government spent $140 billion on interest for Treasury debt securities and collected $185 billion in individual income taxes the same month.

At the turn of 21st century, the national government debt was $5.77 trillion, and by 2010 it had more than doubled to $12.77 trillion. The debt reached $23.22 trillion at the beginning of 2020. And only a few years later on Biden’s watch, it now surpasses $35 trillion.

At this rate, we’ll eventually reach a point where we don’t even bring in enough income tax to cover the interest payments on the debt – also known as bankruptcy.

In the last fiscal year of the Trump presidency, annual interest on the debt were at $521 billion, which was $44 billion (15%) higher than the $454 billion the government was spending the year before he took office. By contrast the government’s annual interest expense under Biden increased by a whopping $619 billion from what he inherited, a 114% increase. 

Phrased differently: Biden screwed up America’s finances so badly that the federal government’s annual interest expense under Trump was closer to zero than it is to Biden’s.


FLASHBACK: Paul Krugman Debunks Paul Krugman

This one is a bit dated, as I just stumbled upon it – but it’s still amusing. 

Back in 2020, the economics Nobel laureate Paul Krugman penned a New York Times column in which he seemingly revealed that he doesn’t remember his own convictions.

“When Joe Biden is inaugurated, he will immediately be confronted with an unprecedented challenge… he’ll be the first modern US president trying to govern in the face of an opposition that refuses to accept his legitimacy. And no, Democrats never said Donald Trump was illegitimate, just that he was incompetent and dangerous” Krugman wrote.

There are countless examples one could point to as a rebuttal. The most obvious would be Hillary Clinton, who had called Trump an “illegitimate president” as recently as the past September (and it was a tune she’d been singing since immediately after the 2020 election). Former Clinton campaign adviser (and now Biden OMB pick) Neera Tanden took to twitter to spread conspiracies about Russian hacking in the aftermath of the 2016 election.

A week before Trump was sworn into office, the late John Lewis announced his boycott of the inauguration, adding “I don’t see this President-elect as a legitimate president.” Meanwhile, Rep. Jerry Nadler told CNN that while Trump was “legally elected,” non-existent Russian interference made his election “illegitimate.”

And there are plenty of other notable Democrats I could quote, but perhaps the most notable is Paul Krugman himself, who penned an article on December 12th of 2016 titled “The Tainted Election.” 

In it he Krugman: “So this was a tainted election. It was not, as far as we can tell, stolen in the sense that votes were counted wrong, and the result won’t be overturned. But the result was nonetheless illegitimate in important ways; the victor was rejected by the public, and won the Electoral College only thanks to foreign intervention and grotesquely inappropriate, partisan behavior on the part of domestic law enforcement… nothing that happened on Election Day or is happening now is normal. Democratic norms have been and continue to be violated, and anyone who refuses to acknowledge this reality is, in effect, complicit in the degradation of our republic. This president will have a lot of legal authority, which must be respected. But beyond that, nothing: he doesn’t deserve deference, he doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.

While Paul Krugman isn’t good at debunking much of anything, he was at least able to debunk Paul Krugman.

National Affairs, Woke

Kamala Harris Campaign Manager Admits She Can’t Win

A top campaign manager to Kamala Harris admitted that he doesn’t think she’ll win, and that she has no accomplishments.

Compliance Manager for the Democratic National Committee and the Kamala Harris campaign, Joyce DeCerce, was caught on a hidden camera by the O’Keefe Media Group admitting as much. 

“I don’t think Kamala Harris would win this year,” said DeCerce, who also wants us to know he uses he/him pronouns. “She doesn’t have any accomplishments to speak of.”

“She’s weirdly unpopular” DeCerce said, while clarifying that he likes Harris. But despite that, he doesn’t think Harris can beat Trump. “I don’t think Kamala Harris would win this year,” he said. But of course, DeCerce blames that on “a bunch of racist, sexist, bulls***,” as bigotry is the monocausal explanation for all criticism of the left according to them. 

He also admitted in his most damning comments that their campaign strategy for donors is to “take their money and tell them what they want to hear,” and “putting on a little show” for them.

Check it out for yourself:

Naturally, the response was brutal.

And it turns out, someone tried to intimidate the O’Keefe Media journalist who extracted this from Joyce. 

As is evident, that didn’t work out too well for them.


Liberals Say This State Has the “Craziest” Gun Laws – It’s Also the Safest State

Does progressive Vermont have the nation’s craziest gun laws? That’s certainly what liberals outside of the state seem to think.

The state’s better-known Senator, Bernie Sanders, found himself under fire from his fellow candidates during the 2016 Democrat primary for the crime of having “only” a D- rating from the NRA. In particular, Sanders found himself defending a completely rational vote of his: when in 2005 he voted in favor of legislation granting gun manufacturers legal immunity from being sued by gun victims (just like how we don’t hold General Motors liable for car fatalities).

Despite being one of the most liberal states, if not the most liberal, Vermont surprisingly has a gun culture. 

Then-Democrat primary rival Hillary Clinton specifically attacked Vermont’s lax gun laws (in an attempt at attacking Sanders) as fueling gun problems in other states, but she never went into the specifics of Vermont’s gun laws—or gun crime in the state. Among the criticisms Vermont has received from anti-gun groups includes:

  • In 2009, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence said that Vermont’s gun laws are the “worst in the nation,” which “lead to the illegal trade of firearms” and that they “put children at risk.”
  • The Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence gives Vermont an “F” on its gun control scorecard.
  • Vermont gets a few honorable mentions in a Washington Post article on the “6 Craziest State Gun Laws,” which reports that you can conceal and carry a firearm at age sixteen in the state without a license. The state also has no minimum age to own a rifle or shotgun.
  • The Trace (a website started with funding by “Every Town for Gun Safety”) chided Vermont as a “gun rights paradise,” quoting one gun-rights activist as saying that “Vermont, for over 220 years, has never had permits, has never had registration, and has never had any serious gun control laws.”

Vermont sounds like a scene out of Mad Max when described by the anti-gun lobby, but the state’s residents would probably laugh at the characterization. Vermont was the safest state in the nation in 2016, 2017, and 2018, second safest in 2019 and 2020, and the safest in 2021, 2022 and 2023

The pattern here is clear – and especially surprising considering how crime-plagued any place run by leftists usually are. 

Gun violence in particular is almost non-existent. According to the Vermont Department of Health, they had only seven gun homicides a year every year from 2011 to 2014. In 2015 the state had twelve, but that fell back to seven in 2016. In a state of 620,000, that’s a rate of 1.12 firearm homicides per 100,000 people in a typical year.

The FBI statistics report only two gun homicides in Vermont in 2012, for a firearm homicide rate of 0.3 per 100,000.

For comparison, the 2021-2022 FBI crime statistics report a gun homicide rate of 66.7 per 100,000 people for St. Louis. The stats for other cities per 100,000 are 61.3 for Birmingham, 49.3 for Portsmouth, 44 for Detroit, 42.4 for Memphis, 37,7 for Milwaukee – and the list goes on. All have among the strongest gun control laws in the nation. 

Some liberals have tried to counter reality by pointing out that Vermont’s gun homicide has risen as of late by a massive percent – but it’s a massive percent of a microscopic number. As per the Associated Press

Overall the country had a 6% decrease in national firearms homicides between 2021 and 2022, but Vermont saw a 185% jump, according to Vermont State Police Capt. Shawn Loan.

“So we went from seven firearms deaths in 2021 to 20 in 2022,” he said, adding that he did not have the current total for this year.

It says a lot when you can have a 185% jump in gun homicides – and still have the fewest gun homicides per-capita in the entire country. 

It’s no wonder liberals are quick to criticize Vermont’s gun laws—but never seem to talk about Vermont’s gun violence.


USA Today Columnist Somehow Unsure If There’s a Link Between Police and Crime Rates

In one of the most incredible attempts at questioning reality itself, USA Today’s Daniel Funke turned criminologist and tried to cast doubt on the obvious link between the “defund the police” movement and rising crime.

Funke ironically framed his ignorance as a fact check of conservatives pointing out that all of the most dangerous cities in America are run by Democrats, questioning that this is because “That is what happens when you defund the police.”

Funke acknowledges in his article that that “Between 2019 and 2020, the U.S. recorded its highest increase in the national homicide rate in modern history. And in 2021, 12 cities did break their annual homicide records,” while glossing over that it’s also true that those 12 cities have Democrat mayors. The only point that Funke refutes is that not all 12 cities defunded the police, which he then uses to justify titling his article “No evidence defunding police to blame for homicide increases.”

Yet, every single city without exception that did defund their police during the insanity of the summer of 2020 and the George Floyd riots did see an increase in crime. Funke pointing out that other Democrat run cities that were weak on crime for reasons other than defunding police does nothing to further his point.

While the homicide rate rose nearly 30% in 2020, the largest year-over-year increase since at least 1905, the gain was even more pronounced in many of the major cities that defunded police, including Portland, which saw a 530% increase in their murder rate, Austin (74% increase), New York (56%), and Chicago’s (54%). While Funke’s “fact check” is specific to police defunding, there are cities that didn’t defund the police but had their police departments crippled by so-called “progressive prosecutors,” which was another major factor in the national crime wave we’re experiencing. Many refer to these prosecutors as the “George Soros DAs” for their tendency to have taken large sums of cash from the far-left billionaire.  

Further destroying what was left of his credibility, Funke also calls into question whether police help that much at all in reducing crime.

He quotes one criminologist at the University of California-Irvine who told him that she’s not aware of any data that illustrates the effect of reducing the police on homicide rates, and that older research suggests there isn’t a definitive conclusion.

There’s a reason Funke only quoted one person’s opinion – and that’s because the fact that police reduce crime is just about the most replicated finding in the field of criminology.

To quote a brief summary of the existing literature:

  • In a 2005 paper, Jonathan Glick and Alex Tabarrok found a clever instrument to measure the effects of officer increases through the terrorism “alert levels” that were a feature of the early to mid-aughts. During high-alert periods, the Washington, DC, police force would mobilize extra officers, especially in and around the capital’s core, centered on the National Mall. Using daily crime data, they found that the level of crime decreased significantly on high-alert days, and the decrease was especially concentrated on the National Mall.
  • Stephen Mello of Princeton University assessed the Obama-era increase in federal police funding. Thanks to the stimulus bill, funding for Clinton’s Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) hiring grant program surged from about $20 million a year in the late-Bush era to $1 billion in 2009. The program design allowed Mello to assess some quasi-random variation in which cities got grants. The data shows that compared to cities that missed out, those that made the cut ended up with police staffing levels that were 3.2 percent higher and crime levels that were 3.5 percent lower. This is an important finding because not only does it show that more police officers leads to less crime, but that actual American cities are not currently policed at a level where there are diminishing returns.
  • A larger historical survey by Aaron Chalfin and Justin McCrary looked at a large set of police and crime data for midsize to large cities from 1960 to 2010 and concluded that every $1 spent on extra policing generates about $1.63 in social benefits, primarily through fewer murders.

Contrary to the sort-of “police state” rhetoric the left will often deploy, even before the “defund the police” trend, the U.S. employed 35% fewer police per-capita than the world average. In 2018 the U.S. employed 238 cops per 100,000 people, while France employed 429 per 100k, Italy 456 per 100k, Russia 515 per 100k, and Germany 388 per 100k.

We could use a heck of a lot more police – because they reduce crime.


Trump Backs Louisiana Becoming First State to Mandate Display of 10 Commandments in Public Schools

Former President Donald Trump recently led by example of what it means to be a good conservative person. Trump took to his personal social media platform, Truth Social, to support a controversial claim of religion being kept in schools. More specifically, displaying the Ten Commandments inside classrooms.

The former President has backed the debate-starting topic of placing the Ten Commandments in school classrooms and other public areas by stating that it is the “first step” in the revival of religion in America. Trump’s comments come days after Republican Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed a new law requiring the Ten Commandments be added into every public school classroom in the state of Louisiana. Trump praised the new law on his social media platform, stating that he loves the Commandments in both public and private schools, as well as other public places.

Former President Donald Trump told a group of evangelicals they “cannot afford to sit on the sidelines” of the 2024 election, imploring them at one point to “go and vote, Christians, please!”

 Trump also endorsed displaying the Ten Commandments in schools and elsewhere while speaking to a group of politically influential evangelical Christians in Washington on Saturday. He drew cheers as he invoked a new law signed in Louisiana this week that makes it the first state to require the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom.

“Has anyone read the ‘Thou shalt not steal’? I mean, has anybody read this incredible stuff? It’s just incredible.  They don’t want it to go up. It’s a crazy world” Trump said at the gathering of the Faith & Freedom Coalition.”

Trump, a day earlier, posted an endorsement of the new law on Truth Social, writing: “I LOVE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, PRIVATE SCHOOLS, AND MANY OTHER PLACES, FOR THAT MATTER. READ IT — HOW CAN WE, AS A NATION, GO WRONG???”

The new law signed by Governor Landry however has sparked controversy, as the topic of religion in schools itself has been highly controversial in regards to separating church and state. The American Civil Liberties Union and similar groups are planning to fight the new law in Louisiana. Governor Landry doubled down on his decision and defended his newly signed law by referencing the biblical narrative that Moses, the one that God handed the Commandments to, was the “original lawmaker”. It is possible that the fight over the law could result in a legal battle that lands in the hands of the Supreme Court, which has leaned towards the conservative side of politics in recent years due to three appointments by Trump during his time in office.

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