Author name: Josh Slocum

Big Government

The “Party of Women’s Rights” Votes Against Bill to Deport Rapists

The Democrat party never stops shrieking that Republicans are misogynist (“sexist” has been retired in favor of the accusation of “hating” women because they’re women) pigs. Any conservative who does not want to allow elective abortion all the way through the ninth month is accused of wanting women to die. Democrat women enjoy dressing up in Handmaids Tale costumes with tape over their mouths to make it seem like America is careening toward a totalitarian state where women will be held down and forcibly impregnated. 

It’s so wild you could be forgiven for wondering if the ladies doth protest too much; it almost looks like projected fantasy. Maybe it’s just an excuse to wear a theatrical costume and a pretty bonnet. 

The concept of “narcissistic reversal” is at play here. That’s when someone who is in the wrong reverses the truth and accuses an opponent of the bad thoughts or behavior that the accuser is actually doing. We see it among leftist women who (rightly) protest against the incursion of men into their private spaces. For example, the Biden administration is in power, and it is Biden who rewrote Title IX through executive order. His changes make it impossible for colleges to prevent so-called “trans women” (that is, men) from playing on women’s sports teams. And yes, that includes allowing these fully penised men into locker rooms. 

And despite their repeated accusations that “trans is a men’s rights project,” it is overwhelmingly leftist women who have culturally and legally enforced transgender ideology in American classrooms, in law, and in corporate hiring. 

With all that in mind, it should come as no surprise that most Democrats in the House voted against a bill to deport illegal aliens who rape women, and to refuse any convicted sex offenders into the country. 

While the bill passed, that’s no thanks to Democrats. So much for the party of women, eh? 

It’s a real head-scratcher. It has been so clear for so many years that conservatives, not liberals, want to protect women from sexual predation, yet millions of women continue to vote religiously for the very party that refuses to put up a wall between them and perverted men. 

Let’s see what X users had to say. 


Group Offers to Pay “Queers for Hamas” Crazies $1 Million to Hold Pride March in Gaza

For some reason, whenever we want to joke about silly or self-defeating people, we often rope in a fast food restaurant to make the point. “Chickens for Kentucky Fried Chicken,” is a common joke made about people who vote or act against their own best interests. The Chick-Fil-A fast food chain famously ran years’ worth of ads featuring cows holding up signs saying “eat more chicken” as a cheeky way to poke fun at their burger competitors. 

But none of these humorous standbys seem sharp enough to describe the lunacy of so-called “trans people” demonstrating on behalf of “Palestine” or Gaza. Muslims in the middle east are famously hostile to gays and what you might call “gender dissidents.” Even the absurdly left-wing Wikipedia acknowledges that gay people aren’t very safe in most middle eastern countries. 

Check this find out from Oli London, himself a former gender-bender. London, who has had more than 30 cosmetic surgeries to make himself look variously like a Korean person and/or a woman, says he has turned over a new leaf. Newly non-woke, London says he regrets his time as a “trans influencer” and now wants to expose the hypocrisy and the harm of the growing transgender movement. 

You read that right; anew campaigning group called the New Tolerance Campaign is dangling $1 million in front of any “Queers for Palestine” activist brave enough to put their money where their mouth is and hold a pride march in “Palestine.” There is no such country, of course, but the group is probably referring to the Gaza strip. 

Yes, believe it or not, so-called “trans” and “queer” people around the U.S. have demonstrated on behalf of “Palestine,” and genuinely seem to believe they’d be loved and accepted. It’s more likely in a Muslim country that they’d be summarily hung or thrown off the top of a skyscraper. 

Let’s see what X users had to say.

This one’s funny because it’s true (and grim). The only problem is the people look too normal and they’re not fat enough.

This is what the youth call a “sick burn”:


Fewer Than 5% of Journalists Are Republicans

Back in April an NPR reporter and editor did something no one expected. Uri Berliner wrote an exposé on the hard-left political bias at his own organization. It wasn’t that anyone was surprised to find out that National Public Radio had a pronounced left-progressive-Democrat bias. Anyone who has tuned in to the public broadcaster for the past few decades knows that. In fact, NPR has always been biased to the left since its founding in 1970. 

But that’s been true of most mainstream broadcasters. Those of us old enough to remember when most Americans got their news from three broadcast networks and a few newspapers know that all of them have been at least tilted toward the left side of the spectrum. Yet it used to be possible for these news organizations to do at least an adequate job disclosing factual truth, and they used to at least make an effort to represent the conservative point of view. 

That must seem quaint, even Pollyanna-ish to read in 2024. How quickly the media devolved into a house organ for the Democrat party and its colorful, merry band of blue-haired misfits over the past 10 years. This Time Magazine cover from 2014 was a harbinger. It depicts a male actor named “Laverne Cox” who tells the entire world he’s  transgender “woman,” and he got more than his 15 minutes of fame starring in a show about a women’s prison. 

It’s not that Time covered the topic of transgenderism. It’s that Time asserted, editorially, that there is such a thing as a transgender “civil rights frontier.” The implication was clear: get on board or you’re not the kind of American who deserves a say. 

Then, of course, Donald Trump launched his presidential campaign the next year and that put the final knife in the heart of American journalism’s pretense to objectivity. Every single mainstream outlet became rabidly opposed to Trump. Every scurrilous rumor from extramarital affairs to working with the Kremlin to hiring prostitutes to urinate on, they printed them all breathlessly. 

Let’s go back to NPR’s Uri Berliner from above. What was shocking about Berliner’s targeting of his own employer (yes, he was fired) was just how bad the bias at NPR really was:

“Concerned by the lack of viewpoint diversity, I looked at voter registration for our newsroom. In D.C., where NPR is headquartered and many of us live, I found 87 registered Democrats working in editorial positions and zero Republicans. None.”
—Uri Berliner in The Free Press

Not a single conservative working in the Washington, D.C. office of the nation’s publicly funded radio station. 

Again, this is no longer shocking, so no one will be surprised at some interesting data from Syracuse University examining the political leanings of American journalists from 1971 to 2022. 

Those who said they were Republican in 1971 made up about 26 percent of newsrooms. By 2022, that was down to less than five percent. And notice also how the share of self-identified Democrats rose from about 28 percent in 2013 to about 36 percent in 2022. It’s anyone’s guess what the real sentiments are for the rising share who call themselves independent. There are likely Democrats and Republicans in that group who don’t want to show their true colors. 

Users on X (Twitter) had plenty to say about this chart. 

crime, Crime Denial

Media Says Trump is Trying to Self-Assassinate

It’s hard enough to believe we live in a country where there have been not one, but two, attempts to assassinate a former president and current presidential candidate. What’s even harder to accept is how apparently. . . OK this is to a significant portion of the American population. 

On Sunday, September 15, a lunatic and apparent uber-progressive named Ryan Routh tried to kill President Trump in Florida by sticking an assault rifle through a fence and taking aim while Trump was at a golf course. Secret service agents spotted the man and fired at him. They did not hit Routh, and he tried to get away. Addressing the nation on the social media platform X on Monday, September 16, Trump thanked the civilian bystander who spotted Routh trying to make a get-away, and he also thanked the Secret Service for protecting him. 

“The civilian did a phenomenal job,” Trump said on X.  “How many people would have the brainpower to follow him to the back of his truck?”

As the news spread, you could see the mainstream media trying to decide whether to report, downplay it, or blame Trump for it. Many of them decided to blame Trump, naturally. It’s sick, but there’s a name for this: narcissistic reversal. This is when a self-centered, callous person or entity (remember, we’re talking about the media) reverses the truth. In this case, the leftist media is doing to Trump what they decry when they claim that women or minorities are not taken seriously: victim-blaming. 

NBC’s anchor Lester Holt can be seen dishonoring Trump and himself here:

The prolific X account “End Wokeness” found one of the worst examples; publishing a letter to an editor titled “Trump brings these assassination attempts on himself.”

And then there’s “The Hill,” who thought the real story was Republicans being angry over their candidate nearly being murdered for the second time.

Politico wasn’t much different:

The Atlantic’s Tom Nichols chimed in to argue that people wanting to kill Trump proves he shouldn’t be president.

The Washington Post initially reported on the assassination attempt as a “golf course episode,” while the New York Times reported “shots fired at Florida course,” and NBC called it the “Trump golf course incident.”

Here’s some reaction from X users:

This contribution from Paul Rossi illustrates an important concept that narcissistic and abusive people use to blame their victims for what a bully has done. DARVO stands for:

Victim and

Big Government

White House’s Jean-Pierre “Triggered” Over Questions about Haitians Eating Cats and Ducks

She of the ramen-noodle-looking hair is upset at the press again. Who? White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre, famous for avoiding answering any specific questions from the press and scolding them instead for being “inappropriate.”

Jean-Pierre was recently “triggered” when she got press questions about allegations that Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, are kidnapping and eating house pets and ducks and geese that frequent town parks. Her reaction is pretty much the same as the reaction from most government officials and the media: they are not concerned about whether the complaints from Springfield residents are true. They are only interested in shrieking that people are “racist” and “xenophobic” (*yawn*) for daring to suggest that Haitians—who are widely reported to sacrifice and eat cats in Voodoo ceremonies in their home country—might actually be doing something wrong. 

Putting on her best schoolmarm/mommy tone of voice, Jean-Pierre lectures reporters about “attacking” a “vulnerable community” in “a hateful way.” No word on whether she considers the Springfield cat, duck, or geese communities to be vulnerable as well. Don’t bother asking if she has any sympathy for the human residents; she doesn’t, obviously. 

See for yourself:

What’s got Jean-Pierre upset? Well, what doesn’t. She can put on the aggrieved act on at least two fronts. First, she’s black, so she gets to call any criticism she doesn’t like “racist,” and in America, that kind of dishonest whining works to shut down white people. But she’s also the daughter of Haitian immigrants, and so she’s going to refuse to admit that immigrants from her third-world country are any different from native-born Americans who understand that duck parks are not a meat market. 

Indeed, it seems the entire mainstream media is bent on denying that it’s even possible that the 20,000 Haitian migrants dumped unceremoniously on the town of 60,000 in Ohio could do anything wrong or uncivilized. This, despite numerous eyewitness reports from Springfield residents that Haitians are crashing cars and killing people along with snatching up geese and ducks to take home to cook. 

Let’s see how X users reacted to Jean-Pierre. 

DEI, DEI Pushback

University of North Carolina Axes DEI and Saves $17 Million

How much do diversity, equity, and inclusion cost? If you’re the University of North Carolina, $17 million.

That’s how much the state’s university system is saving after shutting down huge swathes of DEI offices and positions in every school in the state network. Just take a look below at the table of North Carolina’s public universities, and how much they saved after ditching DEI.

That’s right, readers! The UNC Board of Governors met on September 11 and voted to cut a total of 59 staff positions and to “realign” another 132 job roles (that appears to mean the employees were sent to work in some other, non-DEI office). 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, or DEI, has become a mind-numbingly common phrase. We hear it everywhere, all the time. At work. On the news. From the lips of politicians. Every “respectable” public figure, official, or institution talks about it as if “DEI” were the most obviously natural goal that every human should be concerned with above and beyond anything else (including academic excellence). 

We all know what this is really about: race grifting. DEI is simply a benefits and credentials program for non-white people. It’s anti-white racism that never gets called racism, because Americans have been programmed for so long to believe that the U.S. disenfranchises, impoverishes, or kills black people daily just for the sheer perversity of it. You’d never know in 2024 that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 actually passed, since black race baiters talk as if anti-black racism is worse today than in the days of lynching and Jim Crow. 

As far as the white portion of the population goes, the Civil Rights Act may as well never have been passed, as it certainly isn’t used to stop discrimination against white people. It’s a  legitimate question whether many Americans actually know that all racism, including the kind against white people, is illegal under the Act. In recent years companies have brazenly advertised jobs for “people of color,” “women,” and “LGBT” as if it were legal to exclude white people, men, or straight people from jobs. It is not legal, but since the law is rarely enforced when the victim is a white person, it has become de facto  legal to favor minorities in job hiring. 

Let’s see what X users had to say about the news. 

This one asks a question. . .

. . . and someone else has an answer. 

This guy said the quiet part out loud–no one wants to really admit that DEI is nothing but a scam to extract money from everyone to give to a special, sacred caste. 

Alex has a point–DEI watchers are well-advised to keep their eye on this to make sure it’s not just a monetary shell game. 

This sounds like the right lateral move for the newly “un-jobbed.”


California Wants to Give Illegals Your Tax Dollars to Buy Houses

Will California ever be worth its nickname The Golden State Again? The state has a $60 billion budget deficit, and all it can think of are new ways to spend taxpayer money that it doesn’t even have. 

Now, the state’s Democrats want to give even more tax money paid by U.S. citizens to illegal border crossers. This time, it’s in the form of an extension to the state’s existing California Dream For All Shared Appreciation Loan program, which gives first-time homebuyers up to 20 percent of the home’s purchase price as a loan for the down payment. 

Yes, it’s a loan, but it’s an interest-free loan, meaning it’s free money. Now, Assembly Bill 1840 would extend the program to illegal aliens. The state’s Senate Appropriations Committee approved the bill unanimously last week, which means it will move forward for a senate vote. But since Democrats control the senate, and uber-progressive Gavin Newsom is the Governor, it does not seem likely that the bill can be stopped. 

Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris seems to be studying the California approach as she recently rolled out a proposal to give first-time homeowners a $25,000 down payment and a $10,000 tax credit on top of it. But Harris’ program does not appear to include illegal aliens (yet). 

San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond said it was irresponsible of Democrats to ignore the needs of U.S. citizens living in the state in order to “prioritize illegal immigration,” especially in times of fiscal crisis. He called the expansion of the program “not just another handout,” but a big overreach that will leave taxpayers holding the bag. 

Unsurprisingly, one state Assemblymember said the original loan program, restricted to citizens, was just not inclusive enough. Joaquin Arambula of Fresno introduced the bill in the assembly in early 2024 specifically to include illegal aliens within the definition of “first-time homebuyer.” He said that owning a home “should be available to everyone.”

Many might agree, but for them, the definition of “available” does not mean, “paid for with interest-free tax dollars.” 

We’ve seen what state politicians have to say, so let’s check in with regular people on social media. 

Maybe this user has the right idea. After all, California’s been losing residents to other states in recent years

California’s ultra-liberal policies aren’t just driving out homeowners, but some of the largest businesses. Billionaire own of the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), said he’s moving his SpaceX rocket company to Texas after a recent California law that allows teachers to keep the “gender identity” of confused students secret from their parents. 

Entertainment, LGBTQ+

Netflix Race Follies: King Edward Now Black, Gay, and Wheelchair-Bound

Merry Old England is getting a woke makeover once again, courtesy of Netflix. 

First, they showed us that Henry VIII’s second wife, Anne Boleyn, was black. Oh, you didn’t hear about this? Feast your eyes and weep (we’ve embedded a link to a woke apologia for the silliness just for you!):

Then came “Bridgerton,” another Netflix series that “reimagined” Regency England as a multicultural playland populated by as many black or mixed-race people, including royalty, as there were actual native white Britons. For reference, there were only estimated to be 15,000 blacks in all of England at the end of the 18th century – while the first Census in 1801 put England’s total population at 8.3 million, making this minority only 0.18% of the population at the time – in reality.

Now, Netflix brings us another bold, imaginative, and not-at-all-insulting-or-pandering  series set in early modern England that blacks-up and gays-up actual historical figures who were neither. Readers, you’re going to think I’m joking. You’re going to think, “surely, they cannot go this far.”

I am not joking. They have gone this far. 

Netflix has made King Edward VI, son of Henry VIII, a gay black man in a wheelchair. And it’s a wheelchair that looks like someone stole it from the set of The Hobbit. 

The show is called “My Lady Jane,” (you can see a trailer below) and it purports to tell the story of the tumultuous and brief nine days’ “rule” of Lady Jane Grey  in 1553. Funny how no historians until now have mentioned that the son of Henry Tudor was somehow, inexplicably, a black African who just happened to have wheelchair access, too.

The motivation is probably implied by the title: “MY Lady Jane.” The woke believe that they are entitled to rewrite the world to reflect themselves, personally. How many times do we hear young blue hairs complaining that a TV show or movie “doesn’t have anyone who looks like me?” Pathological narcissism masquerades as normal small talk in the 21st century. 

Here’s what really happened. When the boy King Edward VII (son of Henry VIII) sickened, he and an advisor cooked up a plan to take away the throne from its rightful heir, Edward’s half-sister Mary Tudor. He added a device to his will naming a cousin, Jane Grey, as his heir, and he did this to stop his Catholic sister Mary from being crowned and undoing the Protestant Reformation begun by his father. 

The plot failed, and Mary took the throne, eventually executing 16-year-old Jane Grey (she was forced into accepting the crown by her scheming older relatives). 

It’s anyone’s guess if the younger generations would know any of this history enough to be bothered by the ludicrous portrayal of a black African as a king of Tudor England. But as always, people on social media aren’t shy about sharing their views. 

There’s always one wokie who dishonestly pretends not to understand what “everyone’s so upset about.”

This fellow naively believes that when it comes to black and white race issues, that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. 

Ernst has a smashing idea for a groundbreaking cinematic reimagining. 

Do you remember back about a month ago when Google’s new Gemini AI system made every historical character non-white, including the Vikings? User Aesthetica does!

Readers, I don’t know about you, but this one sums it up for me. 

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