Whoopi Goldberg Promises to Withhold Relations; American Men Rejoice
Remember the dock workers’ strike from earlier this year? The International Longshoreman’s Association (the union of dock workers) demanded a huge increase in wages along with other benefits, and they got most of what they wanted pretty quickly. In the end, the union ended up with a 62 percent pay raise over the next several years.
Why did it work? Because the east coast and gulf ports involved in the strike handled about half the goods imported into the U.S. The strike threatened to slow down business to a crawl and to put prices through the roof in the middle of some of the worst inflation in U.S. history.
It worked because the dock workers provided something Americans valued: abundant goods at affordable prices. No person in the United States would have been unaffected by a long-term strike.
In plain terms, strikes work when they withhold something that other people want.
Given that, one wonders what comedian and co-host of ABC’s The View, Whoopi Goldberg, may be thinking. See, she’s going on a sex strike. Why? On account of a vulgar comment by Jew-hating weirdo Nick Fuentes.
Fuentes stirred up female anger during his election-night livestream by mocking the feminist pro-abortion slogan, “My body, my choice.” Fuentes turned it around, stating, “Your body, my choice.” It’s understandable that women would find this objectionable, but feminists have a difficult time keeping things in perspective. Fuentes cannot, of course, control anyone’s body but his own, and the comment was clearly trolling to get a rise out of them.
But whenever there’s an opportunity for hysterical shrieking, feminists take it and run for the end zone. It wasn’t just online screeching; one pissed-off woman insanely showed up at Fuentes’ door and rang the bell only to be pepper-sprayed.
What does any of this have to do with Whoopi Goldberg?
It was Fuentes’ crass remark that prompted her announcement of support for a “sex strike.” Goldberg said, “If we don’t let you, you don’t get any.”
Who is she talking to? Who, specifically, will now be prevented from “getting” “any?” So far as is ascertainable, Goldberg does not normally provide marital relations to the general public. It is unclear why she believes she is withholding something that no one has been asking for.
Making matters even more bizarre is the fact that Goldberg is not capable of getting pregnant.
Do admit:
Wokespy did not find any evidence online of dispirited men who might be moved by Goldberg’s strike, but we did find these reactions: