Author name: Josh Slocum

Race Baiting

Far-Left Race Baiting Publication Thinks Trump Is Bringing Slavery Back

You knew it was coming. 

“The Root” is a radical leftist magazine by and for blacks. But it’s not like black magazines from the mainstream, like Jet or Ebony. It’s as woke as woke can get. For the staff of The Root, there is no such thing as a morally honorable white person, and there is no such thing as a white person who is not racist. 

You are already picture the exact kind of ideological drivel they peddle.

Though they would never say it candidly and would scream and protest if someone pushed them on it, the magazine thinks white people are born devils. Call it WDS-”White Derangement Syndrome.” They especially hate competent conservative white women such as former Fox News journalist-turned-podcaster Megyn Kelly: 

“Karen,” when used by radical black activists, means “white woman we don’t like.” Why don’t they like Megyn Kelly? Because Kelly recognizes that nightly MSNBC ranter in chief Joy Reid is a narcissistic, dishonest blowhard who can’t seem to figure out who she is judging by the parade of wigs featured weekly on her show. Just take a look at one of them….

That’s enough. 

So, what’s The Root on about today? The return of slavery under Donald Trump!

Yes. Really.

They write:

“It’s a question Black Americans have been asking for a while, and now that former President Donald Trump has won back the Oval Office, it’s on everyone’s mind: Can slavery make an official comeback?”

Notice carefully: official comeback. This is an actual “dog whistle,” a coded bit of language that signals to radical black readers, “Slavery is still happening in America, we just don’t call it slavery for some reason.”

Here’s more:

“Reflexively, the answer to this seemingly crazy question should be “hell no,” but if you take just five minutes to Google it, you’d be surprised to know we’re not too far from that reality. In 2022, slavery was on the ballot in five states, according to AP News. Talk show host and author Tavis Smiley expressed growing fears of slavery right before the 2016 election. Going back to the 13th Amendment, legal loopholes still allow for slavery today.”

Wow. The Associated Press? It must be true. But is it? When you click on the link, you find out otherwise (emphasis added):

“More than 150 years after slaves were freed in the U.S., voters in five states will soon decide whether to close loopholes that led to the proliferation of a different form of slavery — forced labor by people convicted of certain crimes.

That’s right. The practice of forcing convicted criminals to do hard labor is now “slavery.” And what’s more, Donald Trump is gonna bring it back. Therefore, Trump is bringing back slavery in the minds of The Root.

I’d say this kind of reasoning is “unbelievable,” but really, is anything unbelievable from the radical identity politics left? 

Let’s see what X/Twitter users had to say on The Root’s thread about the article. 

LGBTQ+, Trans

Former Bachelorette Contestant Josh Seiter Gives Gender Reveal!

Remember that old commercial for cassette tapes? “Is it real, or is it Memorex?” The ad played on the idea that Memorex cassette tapes recorded sound with such high fidelity that you couldn’t tell if you were hearing a live performance or listening to a recording. As anyone from the days of the Sony WalkMan knows, no matter how good the cassette, there was always a tell-tale hiss that gave it away.

Similarly, there was just something about this lovely lady that seemed a bit off. 

It’s hard to say just what it is. She’s poised, confident and sitting pretty, no? Maybe it’s the way she applies her lipstick? Is it the shade of nail polish? It’s hard to put your finger on the problem, but maybe it’s the fact that she’s a he. 

If this guy looks familiar to you, you may know him as Josh Seiter, a former contestant on the reality show The Bachelorette. The show’s conceit is that a single woman chooses from a variety of male suitors to find her one true love. 

In recent months, the hunky Seiter traded in his button-downs and blue jeans for a more feminine look. 

All this time, Josh Seiter has been taking social media users on a gender journey. Slapping on some hasty makeup and a sundress, Seiter strolled along the streets talking into his camera in a ridiculous falsetto. Here he is talking about the gender price gap, which is the phenomenon of groceries costing double if you’re “a woman” like Josh compared to being a man. 

Social media has been asking: Is he for real? Is he really claiming to be a transgender woman? Is this all a joke? Even though you’re reading this and looking at the pictures and saying to yourself, “this is obviously a joke,” I’m afraid it’s not obvious. There is, literally, no way to separate satire from reality in a world where men like mediocre swimmer Will Thomas can transform himself into “Lia” and compete (and win) against actual female swimmers. The entire world took this seriously, and the mainstream press still refer to this dude as “she” when reporting on his legal loss that prevents him from competing in the Olympics as a woman. 

After keeping everyone on tenterhooks for months, Josh Seiter went on Alex Stein’s podcast to reveal that it’s all been a big hoax. But according to Seiter, it’s a hoax with a point. He says, correctly, that it’s ridiculous and insulting for society to treat these men-any of them-as if they were actual women. 

Let’s see how X/Twitter reacted!

Wait, what is a “trans verification service?” How can you verify that a man is a woman? 

Josh has at least one fan in the UK. 

Big Government, Democrats

Politico Very Concerned JD Vance Expected to Get Paid for Book Tour

Uh-oh! That greedy fat cat rich boy JD Vance, Republican Senator from Ohio, is asking for speaker’s fees. Speakers’ fees. Can you imagine? What in tarnation does that boy think he’s doing? More on the speaker’s fees below. 

Vance is not, of course, a fat cat, although he’s certainly wealthier today than he was growing up. Vance’s book Hillbilly Elegy, published in 2016, tells Vance’s story of growing up in dirt-poor Appalachia among a family of drug addicts and abusers. It’s a story of one form of the American dream: small-town hick boy goes to university and makes good. After serving in the Marines, Vance went to college and finished with a law degree from Yale. 

Of course, the Democrats don’t like to see people pull themselves up by their bootstraps because their narrative depends on their constituents believing that it’s not possible. Numerous lefties bashed Vance in recent months, laughably, calling him an elitist because he managed to go to Yale. 

To the extent that the party even nods to working class people any longer, it concentrates on positioning itself as the big government savior for black people. The Dems encourage blacks and other minorities to see themselves as victims who can’t get ahead and must rely on the government to give them special (and sometimes illegal) handouts. The press goes right along with, as seen in this Associated Press headline about a wacky unconstitutional Harris proposal: “Harris announces a new plan to empower Black men.”

Back to those speaker’s fees. Politico believes it has uncovered a major scandal after it “discovered” that Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy publisher drove a hard bargain when negotiating author fees for an in-person program. They wanted $40,000 for Vance, but the University of Wisconsin-Madison backed out, saying the price tag was too high for them. 

Politico seems to think this is out of the ordinary in business negotiations. Without coming right out and saying it, the publication wants the reader to think “that rich snooty JD Vance is just takin’ advantage!” How else do you explain sentences like this?

“Asked for comment, a spokesperson for Vance defended Vance’s speaking fees.”

“Defended?” What law or rule was broken by insisting on a fee commensurate with a best-selling author’s drawing power? 

X/Twitter user John Hasson also found Politico’s concern amusing, which means other people online did too. After all, take a look at what Politico’s “Bureau Chief and Senior Political Columnist” is charging.

Isn’t that interesting? One of Politico’s own charges up to $35,000 to speak himself.

Bizarrely, this didn’t manage to cause an internal scandal.

Social media users are not sympathetic to Politico’s view. 

So does Barack Obama. Guess how much? 

And then there are the Clintons, but that’s somehow different. 

User “some infidel” brings us all back to reality. 


Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Wastes $3 Million Defending Good Name He Doesn’t Have

Poor Jussie Smollett. The b-list actor (I’m being generous) who had a few minutes of fame playing a musician on the Fox network’s drama “Empire,” seems as determined to lose his fortune as he was to lose the public’s respect. 

To recap: In 2019, Smollett made up a hoax for attention. He claimed to be walking at about 2 am in Chicago in the dead of winter to a Subway fast food outlet for a sandwich. Along the way, he claimed, two men approached him and asked if he was that gay guy (using a slur) from the show Empire. Then, Smollett claims, they informed him that Chicago was “MAGA country,” put a noose around his neck, and poured bleach on him. 

A tearful Smollett appeared before cameras soaking up the attention from having been apparently “gay-bashed,” and all the media and most black people and leftists immediately believed him. 

How believable is it that two “homophobes” in Chicago would walk up to a guy at 2 am and proclaim that one of the blackest and most Democrat-ridden cities in America is “MAGA country?” It’s not believable at all, but leftists uncritically accept obvious nonsense if it props up a victimhood narrative they need to sell their politics. 

Smollett was arrested, then the charges were dropped, then they were refiled in 2021. He was convicted of five felony counts in relation to the hoax, though leftist media continues to insist on calling it an “alleged” hoax. It is not alleged; the courts convicted him. In every other situation, media drops the “alleged” when the court has ruled. This is a special carve-out because Smollett is black, gay, and leftist. 

Now, he’s moaning that he’s spent $3 million trying to clear his name, and he regrets sitting for a 2019 interview about his fake gay-bashing. “I don’t want to have a felony on my record for something I didn’t do,” he told Entertainment Tonight. He then goes on about how he’s doing this “as a gay man” and as a (capital B) black man. Well, you can’t say he’s not persistent. As per The Hollywood Reporter:

Smollett: “I want to have all of these things in my life, and I don’t want to have a felony on my record for something that I didn’t do,” Smollett said in part. “That’s what we’re fighting for. I know that on the surface it probably seems like why doesn’t he just serve the time, why doesn’t he just let this go. It would be easier if I had in fact done this to say that I did it. I wouldn’t have spent almost $3 million of my own money. I wouldn’t have had a trial.”


Smollett: “But as a human being and as a man, as a Black man and as an openly gay Black man, I have a problem with letting them win on something they shouldn’t be able to,” Smollett said. “I’m a grown man and something happened. I can’t tell exactly what did happen, but I can tell you what did not happen. That’s what I have to sit on. No matter how much people are yelling in my face, saying ‘You’re a liar, you’re a liar.’ No, I’m not. No, I’m not. I don’t want them to believe that, but if that is what they believe, that’s on you.”

He admitted that his greatest mistake was his infamous interview on Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts, where even her softball questions and framing couldn’t sanitize his obvious lies.

But what does the public on social media think of the fact that Smollett is still claiming this thing that never happened totally did happen? 

Gives a little hope for the American people being on the ball, eh?

DEI Pushback

Trump Ad Features Scene from Full Metal Jacket: Libs on Fainting Couch

It’s hard to know just what to laugh at when it comes to the U.S. military–there are too many choices. What’s funnier, the woke ads featuring fat angry gender-confused non-binaries, or the reaction from the left when people notice the ads? Because boy, is the left very, very angry that not everyone believes that overweight women in their 20s who have a “gender” and a mental diagnosis are going to be able to keep the United States secure. 

Did you see this one? Just look at it. 

This is from a news show on CBN, the Christian Broadcasting Network. They’ve rounded up some of the “best” recruitment ads from recent years. Click here to jump to the one featuring a woman using little-baby-girl voice to tell everyone how special and important her “journey” is. See, she has two lesbian moms, and she’s been a “freedom fighter” for LGBT equality since she was a little girl. Bonus points if you make it all the way through before her affected cutesy voice causes you to launch a brick through the screen. 

Or how about this one? This Army recruitment ad is obviously aimed at Gen Z because it talks to them in the developmentally disabled tone they respond to. As the camera focuses on the close-up faces of young people (gotta appeal to that personal narcissism; esprit de corps is so out of fashion), they transform into bland computer-generated cartoon characters. 

Today’s U.S. Military cannot do its job. It can’t focus on protecting the nation because President Joe Biden is more concerned with forcing the service branches to pay for the sex-change surgeries that mentally ill “trans” service members call “lifesaving.” How the removal of genitals or the bolting-on of plastic breasts saves lives is not made clear. 

The Trump campaign knows this, and it’s banking on this ad to appeal to traditional, masculine (and necessary) notions of military bravery and hard-assery. He showed it at an October 9 rally – and has been showing it at all subsequent rallies since. It uses footage from Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece Full Metal Jacket to contrast a traditional drill sergeant with the prancing drag queens who put up videos of them dancing lasciviously while making reference to their status as service members. 

Give it a watch yourself – the audiences have been loving it:

Kubrick’s daughter, Vivian Kubrick, loves it. She said that even though her father’s movie had an anti-war message, it’s the perfect film to use because Trump himself is anti-war. But he knows the necessity of having a tough and manly military to keep the peace, Vivian Kubrick said, and her father would have voted for Trump. “Because I’m sure the irony of using FMJ footage is not lost on Trump or his team – Trump is always seeking to end wars and use peaceful methods. However, that’s primarily what FMJ is about, the shocking and complicated paradoxes of human nature,” she wrote in a lengthy post defending the video.

Let’s see what X (Twitter) users had to say. 

There’s always one pantywaist, though. 

Actually, there was more than one. Some sissy liberals are extremely unhappy and would like to complain to the manager. 

Lovely people, too. 

DEI Pushback, LGBTQ+, National Affairs

FEMA Holds Moan-Fest For Gender-Special Staff While Hurricane Victims Suffer

You’ve probably heard of a hurricane called Helene that made landfall more than a week ago and caused what may turn out to be the worst natural disaster in American history. A lot of people say it’s already among the worst, with the official death toll, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, at 230.

The storm laid waste to much of the American south, even hitting far inland into Western North Carolina, bulldozing entire towns off the map. People are trapped behind log-jammed roads with no electricity or internet service, no phones, no food, no way to call for help, or some combination of these things. Social media reports from regular people on the ground who live in the areas affected report little federal or national guard help, and a lot of red tape and government interference. Elon Musk himself reports that his SpaceX staff was thwarted from delivering satellite phone equipment by overzealous federal officials. 

Amid all of this, FEMA and the feds generally want all of us to put on a happy face. They seem more upset about quelling what they call rumors (and some are, and will turn out to be false) than about acknowledging why Americans don’t trust a thing they say. This Associated Press article reeks of a leftist-transcription-for-the-government service that falsely tells the public it is a news outlet. 

Can we question the skepticism of any American toward FEMA when they’re devoting taxpayer dollars—and desperately short time—to things like this? 

Just watch this absurdity below:

It’s more than a minute and a half of gender-confused “LGBTQIA” people moaning about how hard society oppresses them every single minute of the day. It is fair to ask: have any of these people ever met anyone who has lost everything in a disaster? 

Let’s see what others on X had to say. 

Politics and bedfellows, eh?

A question on more minds every day. 

Do you agree with Western Lensman? 


Shock! BLM Chapter Leader Goes to Prison for Stealing Charitable Funds

It’s so predictable by now the headlines write themselves. A “minority” population member claims to be fighting the good fight against some kind of oppression. And then the activist is found to be a thief or a con artist. 

It’s been six years since minor actor Jussie Smollett  told the world that he was walking along the streets in Chicago at 2 a.m. when he was accosted by Trump-supporting thugs. Smollett, a gay actor who appeared in the Fox drama Empire, claimed that the “assailants” asked him if he was that “f*ggot” from the show Empire before putting a noose around his neck, pouring bleach on him, and telling Smollett that he was in “MAGA country.”

It’s hard to say which was less believable, this story, or his claim that he was on his way to Subway for a sandwich on foot in the wee hours in the middle of winter.

Then there’s NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace. In 2020 he got himself a bucket load of outraged sympathy for a “noose” that he claims he found hanging in his NASCAR garage. Because it’s *totally* normal and customary in the 21st century for racist white people to sneak into garages and make nooses. We see this so often it doesn’t even seem newsworthy, right? 

Of course, and as always, there was no noose, because these lurid tales of 1920–style racism from black celebrities are always lies. There was a rope in Wallace’s NASCAR garage. It did have a loop. Because it was a standard door-pull. 

Let’s bring this grift up to date with some recent news about Black Lives Matter. This fine selfless gentleman, who headed up the BLM chapter in Atlanta, Georgia, was just put away in prison for 42 months. Seems he was stealing charitable donations to BLM to pay for his own fancy house, personal travel, and “luxury items.”

Get a load of Tyree Conyers-Page. This guy made other people call him “Sir Maejor Page.” 

This is nothing new for BLM, of course, which has turned out to be nothing but a money-laundering operation to enrich the narcissistic leadership. 

According to the report:

Prosecutors said that Page took money donated to his organization through Facebook and used it for travel, personal items, and a home in Toledo, Ohio.

In court, Page claimed some of the money he spent on his own lifestyle was part of a “reasonable salary” for managing the organization – though he admitted to prosecutors he never consulted anyone with the organization about what his pay should have been, the Toledo Blade reported.

Page had been found guilty on one count of wire fraud and three counts of money laundering in April after a six-day trial.

As you can imagine, X users found this news interesting. 

Wait–are people allowed to ask this question?


Some more unauthorized dot-connecting:

This one’s gonna burn some white leftie women. 


UK Family Singing Group Croons Its Love for Kamala Harris

Family bands can go one of two ways. Generally, they’re very, very good, or they’re very, very embarrassing. 

Take the Von Trapp family made famous in The Sound of Music. The film has loomed so large that many people, especially younger ones, have forgotten, or never knew, that this was a real family. They did escape from Austria to evade the Nazis, and they came to America where they performed as a touring music group until 1957. As your faithful correspondent writes this, many of them are making their living just up the road from this writer’s house in Vermont. In fact, I sold my last house through the Von Trapp realty firm. 

Or take the Petersen family, a modern American family musical group. They’re not only technically good (skilled vocals, sweet and close harmonies) enough to sell out Branson, Missouri, for years, but they’re generally well-liked. Why? First, because they’re good, but second, because they sing songs with universal themes. They cover well-known hits that speak of love, despair, disappointment and triumph. In a word, they don’t beat listeners over the head with partisan politics. 

But then there are family singing groups like the Marsh Family from the UK. It’s not that they’re technically bad, although the track you’re going to hear below has a corny synthesized musical accompaniment. They can sing well enough. 

It’s what they sing. Here’s a sample, sung by Matriarch Marsh:

♫He’s got convictions-he did the nasty

And undermined the cons-ti-too-shee-un

Yes. Really. When you have to add an extra syllable to “constitution” to make it fit the melodic meter, you may be too focused on partisan politics and not enough making good music. 

There’s more. These very white Brits sound like they’re trying to get a favored spot under Kam Kam’s coconut tree by singing in a faux-Jamaican accent and style. Here’s another line, but you really have to hear it to take in the full horror. 

♫Give me hope Kamala

Hope Kamala

Gimme hope Kamala for the election

Listen and weep:

What motivates a British family to be-clown itself this way over an American presidential candidate? One wonders if the Marshes are enjoying their illegal alien invasion, too, and all the cultural enrichment happening at knifepoint on England’s streets. 

Let’s see what Twitter has to say. 

Well, if they’re like American liberals, they could tour hurricane-ravaged North Carolina and they’d probably just make fun of the dumb, starving hicks like American leftists are doing. 

Looks like somebody noticed something!

Big Government

Kam Kam Gives Whole Hundreds of Dollars to Flood Victims

Though it took the media several suspicious days to notice, most Americans now know that huge portions of the southeast have been destroyed by Hurricane Helene. Television shows us dramatic images of the wind destruction, but it’s the water that can truly destroy towns and cities. 

This storm was one of the worst to hit the American south in decades. Even places far in-land, such as Western North Carolina, took the kind of direct hit that most of us associate with living right on the ocean. Whole towns in the foothills of mountains have been wiped off the map. The rain dump was so fast and furious that even mountainside dwellers—the lucky ones—are stuck behind impassable downed trees and roads that don’t exist anymore. 

The woman who wants to be our next President sprang into action. From her flying office, Kamala Harris let scared Americans know she was on the job by sharing a picture of her airliner suite. Here she is “taking notes” on what appears to be blank paper, while “listening to a phone call” while her earbuds are not plugged in to the phone. 

On October 2, Harris made a stop in hurricane-ravaged Augusta, Georgia, to announce the federal government’s generosity. Every person with an immediate need can get up to—wait for it—$750. That’s right, a whole $750. What can you get with that? Not much. It’s not enough to replace all four brakes on the average car. It’s less than one month’s rent in most areas for a studio-efficiency apartment. 

Funny how illegal border crossers—criminals by definition—get a whole lot more just for showing up. They don’t even have to lose their home, they don’t have to be sitting on a tree stump praying that a rescue truck can get up the mountain. All they have to do is break into the country, and New York City, for example, will give them a loaded debit card with twice the money that Americans in New York get for monthly food stamps. 

As you would expect, social media users were a bit put off. 

Remember the devastating Lahaina wildfire that killed hundreds in Hawaii? The internet does. 

Remember when a freight train derailed in Ohio and sent a plume of toxic gas into the air, and nobody from the White House bothered to show up or say anything for weeks? The internet does. 

User Markus puts the $750 “government money” (it’s your tax dollars) in perspective:

Well, quite. 

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