Far-Left Race Baiting Publication Thinks Trump Is Bringing Slavery Back
You knew it was coming.
“The Root” is a radical leftist magazine by and for blacks. But it’s not like black magazines from the mainstream, like Jet or Ebony. It’s as woke as woke can get. For the staff of The Root, there is no such thing as a morally honorable white person, and there is no such thing as a white person who is not racist.
You are already picture the exact kind of ideological drivel they peddle.
Though they would never say it candidly and would scream and protest if someone pushed them on it, the magazine thinks white people are born devils. Call it WDS-”White Derangement Syndrome.” They especially hate competent conservative white women such as former Fox News journalist-turned-podcaster Megyn Kelly:
“Karen,” when used by radical black activists, means “white woman we don’t like.” Why don’t they like Megyn Kelly? Because Kelly recognizes that nightly MSNBC ranter in chief Joy Reid is a narcissistic, dishonest blowhard who can’t seem to figure out who she is judging by the parade of wigs featured weekly on her show. Just take a look at one of them….
That’s enough.
So, what’s The Root on about today? The return of slavery under Donald Trump!
Yes. Really.
They write:
“It’s a question Black Americans have been asking for a while, and now that former President Donald Trump has won back the Oval Office, it’s on everyone’s mind: Can slavery make an official comeback?”
Notice carefully: official comeback. This is an actual “dog whistle,” a coded bit of language that signals to radical black readers, “Slavery is still happening in America, we just don’t call it slavery for some reason.”
Here’s more:
“Reflexively, the answer to this seemingly crazy question should be “hell no,” but if you take just five minutes to Google it, you’d be surprised to know we’re not too far from that reality. In 2022, slavery was on the ballot in five states, according to AP News. Talk show host and author Tavis Smiley expressed growing fears of slavery right before the 2016 election. Going back to the 13th Amendment, legal loopholes still allow for slavery today.”
Wow. The Associated Press? It must be true. But is it? When you click on the link, you find out otherwise (emphasis added):
“More than 150 years after slaves were freed in the U.S., voters in five states will soon decide whether to close loopholes that led to the proliferation of a different form of slavery — forced labor by people convicted of certain crimes.”
That’s right. The practice of forcing convicted criminals to do hard labor is now “slavery.” And what’s more, Donald Trump is gonna bring it back. Therefore, Trump is bringing back slavery in the minds of The Root.
I’d say this kind of reasoning is “unbelievable,” but really, is anything unbelievable from the radical identity politics left?
Let’s see what X/Twitter users had to say on The Root’s thread about the article.