Trump Says Her Name: Ashli Babbitt Was the One Who Died on Jan. 6
The disconnect between real world events and the beliefs and statements of “respectable” mainstream media is wider than at any time in living memory. Our grandparents who grew up on the “big three” channels-ABC, CBS, NBC-would not recognize what passes for news reporting today. There was never a golden era when everything the newspapers and TV anchors said was the whole truth, but there was a stronger anchor to reality reflected in the news coverage that began in the mid-20th century and continued through at least the year 2000.
Not anymore. All the broadcast stations (with the partial exception of Fox News), and all the cable news networks appear to have no actual understanding of the real world. It’s impossible to say whether the beat reporters, correspondents, and anchors actually believe what they say, or whether they are consciously lying. But what they appear to believe, and what they’re trying to get you to believe, bears no relationship to observable events in the real world.
This is most apparent in coverage of the so-called riots that took place at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. What nearly every news source has called a “violent insurrection” for years was not an insurrection at all. It’s certainly not the case that a total of 1,538 people committed acts of violence or threatened police – yet that is how many protestors have been put through the court system or sent to jail.
All along, the media, the White House, and Democratic politicians have lied to make the event seem darker and more sinister than it really was. They lied and said Donald Trump encouraged a “violent insurrection,” when in fact he addressed the public and told them to protest “peacefully and patriotically.” Even the compromised Associated Press had to admit it.
Politicians and the media accused rioters of killing police officers, yet no police officers were killed. They claimed that rioters had bashed capitol police officer Brian Sicknick over the head with a fire extinguisher, killing him. That never happened. Sicknick died of a stroke the day after the non-riot.
It’s been four years, and the media is still either lying, or is somehow so disconnected from the real world that an impartial observer would legitimately question if there’s a form of mental illness at play among the media elite. While it does appear that some rioters did physically assault Capitol officers, none of them were killed. The media does not seem to care at all about the person who was killed: veteran Ashli Babbitt. She doesn’t rate, you see, because she was MAGA, which for leftists is code for “disposable subhuman scum.”
Ashli Babbitt’s death didn’t even rate a mention from this pool of reporters asking questions of incoming President Donald Trump when he was asked about Jan 6 pardons Watch this exchange below – the reporter asked Donald Trump if he planned to pardon any of the rioters who attacked police officers. Trump turned it around and replied, “The only one that was killed was a beautiful young lady named Ashli Babbitt.” He went on to remind the press pool that there were never any charges of “insurrection” against anyone, because no insurrection occurred.
Response from X/Twitter users was mixed, but most appeared to side with Trump’s approach: