Author name: Josh Slocum

Big Cities, Illegal Immigration

New AG Bondi SHUTS OFF Federal Justice Dept. Money to Hundreds of “Sanctuary Cities”

Turns out that Democrats can’t openly flout the law forever and suffer zero consequences. Who knew? For years it has certainly seemed like the laws of the land simply didn’t apply to anyone on Team Blue. Don’t like healthy children? Well, just “transition” them by poisoning them with chemicals and cutting off their health body parts, right? It’s not abuse when the left does it, right? 

Don’t like the fact that the U.S. has laws about how to legally enter and reside inside America? Well, just be a Democrat Governor like New Jersey’s Phil Murphy and go on the air taunting Immigrations and Customs Enforcement by saying you’re hiding an illegal in your garage apartment and that you dare ICE to come and get her. 

Here’s what Murphy said: “I don’t want to get into too much detail, but there’s someone in our broader universe whose immigration status is not yet at the point they are trying to get it to And we said: ‘You know what? Let’s have her live above our house, above our garage. And good luck to the feds coming in to try to get her.’”

A person can only be this confident in bragging about breaking immigration law if he believes that he is untouchable. Democrats, unfortunately, are right to be this confident. They have been untouchable and above the law for years. While screeching that Donald Trump was a “Russian asset” and impeaching him based on bought-and-paid-for lies, the blue team has been able to flout immigration, child abuse, and women’s rights laws anywhere they saw fit with no legal consequences. 

That’s changing right now under newly appointed Attorney General Pam Bondi. She has called the blue states’ bluff in a way that hasn’t been done in years. On February 5, Bondi announced that she is freezing all federal Department of Justice money to so-called “sanctuary cities.” These are Democrat-Progressive-led cities that simply decided that they were going to hide illegal aliens from federal immigration enforcement. Cities like Minneapolis and San Francisco, just two among hundreds, have brazenly declared that they will fight their own federal government to protect illegal aliens from being deported. Trump warned them that if they kept this up, he was going to take action, and that action came today. 

AG Bondi has made good on Trump’s promise, ordering her Department of Justice to shut off any federal dollars to cities that defy federal immigration law. 

Among several directives issued Wednesday, Bondi charged the DOJ with identifying and evaluating funding agreements with nongovernmental organizations that provide support to undocumented immigrantsFox News Digital first reported.

She also tasked the department with investigating instances of sanctuary jurisdictions obstructing law enforcement and “directing they be prosecuted, when necessary,” the outlet wrote.

Several offices within the Justice Department provided $1.56 billion in grants to sanctuary cities in 2023, according to the think tank Center for Immigration Studies.

When asked about the impact of the Justice Department’s directive, a New York City Hall spokesperson told The Independent in a statement that Mayor Eric Adams “has been clear that New York City is committed to working with our federal partners to fix our broken immigration system and collaborating with ICE to remove people who are entering our localities and committing violent crimes. We are currently evaluating the directive.”

Commentator Benny Johnson was practically giddy to share the news:

From the responses, it looks like most people are pretty excited about it. 

Entertainment, LGBTQ+

“Sex and the City” Actress: Every Kid I Know is Trans!

Hollywood has always been a fantasy land that looks different from the street than it looks once you go inside. The town was quite literally built on fantasy, in the middle of an inhospitable desert, with false fronts that put a glamorous facade on flimsy buildings.

There was never a time in the entertainment world where everyone in it had upstanding morals and comported themselves decently. Fame beckons the damaged and empty who long for an identity to lift them up out of the neglect or abuse that shaped their childhoods. It has ever been thus, so it isn’t really any surprise to find out that famous actors have dubious morals and even stranger political opinions. 

There’s a reason that studio bosses in the golden age of Hollywood inserted moral turpitude clauses in the contracts of their stars. They knew what the talent was likely to get up to, and many a frantic phone call was placed to gossip columnists (with express or implied bribery) to keep their actors out of the papers when they were caught slumming in gay clubs, for example.

Not anymore, but worse—the very kinds of scandalous behavior that used to get starlets kicked off the lot at Metro Goldwyn Mayer now gets them positive front page news, and scads of adoring fans. Kanye West’s wife, Bianca Censori, may be getting plastered with ridicule for showing up to the Grammys naked, but the point is that our culture has fallen so far that she felt comfortable doing it in the first place. 

Sex and the City  actress Cynthia Nixon is your typical Hollywood leftist, parading her sexuality in public and signing on to every liberal trend and fad while portraying herself as some sort of savior. This week, she’s standing up for the right of parents and hospitals to poison their children through what we euphemistically call “gender-affirming care.” In plain terms, this is the chemical sterilization of alleged “trans” kids, followed by mutilating breast and genital surgery. How much lower can our culture go? 

President Donald Trump has said “no more” to this extraordinary child abuse. His recent executive order bans the federal government from funding or participating in “child transition,” and makes it clear to hospitals and medical centers that they had better lawyer up because the lucrative butchery is over. 

Now comes actress Nixon, protesting outside a hospital that has recently cancelled appointments to give minor children “puberty blockers.” Ever the narcissist, Nixon declares to the crowd that she is the “mother of a proud trans man.” In reality, she has a daughter who now masquerades as a man. But that’s not all. Nixon claims to be surrounded by “trans kids.” “My kids are trans, my sisters kids are trans, every kid I know is trans,” Nixon says. 

Here’s Nixon beaming next to her daughter after the girl had a double mastectomy to “become a man.”

As Scarlett Johnson asks: what are the odds? 

It’s literal madness. As Elon Musk himself responded, it’s a “mind virus.”

Most of the rest of the responses seem to come from normal, sane people, too. 

“Patriotic Penguin” has the right of it. We’re betting on the second option. 

Economics, Woke

Human Sea Cow Sues Lyft Because Driver Had Car, Not Boat

Think “woke” is over since President Trump got elected? Think again. We’ve been saying for a while that it’s going to take years to root this delusional, narcissistic thinking out of our society. Absurd claims of discrimination and accusations that others have “phobias” are just too delicious for the self-centered in American society to give up easily. 

For at least a decade, we’ve been lectured about, well, everything. Don’t want mentally ill people who think they’re the opposite sex in the military? Well, you must be “transphobic.” That’s the cry from the left after Donald Trump issued an executive order re-banning “transgender” people from military service. Outlets like Vox try to distract by claiming that it’s some stretch to recognize the mental instability of such people, and that they’re just as capable and stable as normal troops. Ha. 

Just about every unhealthy or anti-social behavior has been given a “glow-up” by the left for the past decade. Don’t feel like putting in your all at work? That’s not laziness or paycheck theft, it’s “quiet quitting” from Millennials who have, like, just been asked to do TOO MUCH WORK! Upset by the outcome of the presidential election? Just do a Selena Gomez and ugly-cry about illegals being deported and you’ll be called “empathetic.” In fairness, though, even Gomez’s own fans couldn’t take her crocodile tears and the star was forced to delete her embarrassing video.

But the rehabilitation of morbid obesity into just another “valid” “lifestyle choice” is only barely less ridiculous than the claim that men can become women just by wearing a wig. Remember this cover from Cosmopolitan? 

It’s one of countless articles on why being obese is no less healthy than the alternative. And people believed it, or, rather, people who wanted to believe it, did.

The disconnection from reality is what’s led to this latest lawsuit against the ride-share company Lyft. This woman, who claims to be a rapper named “Dank Demoss,” who is 500 pounds, is suing Lyft because a driver wisely refused to let her into his car, which would’ve risked damage to it.

Just by a quick glance it’s quite obvious that the Lyft driver was correct: she cannot physically fit into a normal-sized car, and would cause damage to it if she did.  

Reality be damned, according to Demoss it’s just that the driver is “fat-phobic.” So she’s off to the races (very slowly) with a lawsuit claiming that she was illegally discriminated against. Get load of what her lawyer claimed to People Magazine:

“Under the law, refusing someone transportation due to their weight is no different than refusing someone transportation based on their race or religion. Discrimination of any kind should never be tolerated in our society,” said attorney John Marko. 

I’ll be generous and assume that this attorney knows the case is nonsense, but also knows Lyft will likely settle it to avoid the costs of going to trial (even if it’s a case they know they’d end of winning).

Let’s see if Twitter/X users agree. 

Oh, dear. It looks like people aren’t taking her claims very seriously. 

This one’s so mean!

And this user misgendered Demoss!
crime, Crime Denial, LGBTQ+

15 Percent of Inmates in Fed Women’s Prison Are. . . Men

Maybe by this time in 2026, writers like me won’t have to write things that don’t make sense. Things like this: Did you know that despite transgender individuals making up only 0.3% of the population, 15 percent of women in U.S. federal prisons are men?

See what I mean? 

We jumped the shark all the way into orbit in about 2014 when Time Magazine declared it the year of the “transgender tipping point.” Using a photograph of the “trans woman” “Laverne” Cox in a waist-cincher, wig, and a coquette pose, Time assured us that transgender rights were “the next civil rights frontier.” 

Sympathy for what we all used to correctly call drag queens and transvestites went so high it broke every measurement scale. No longer could we acknowledge that none of these men in “working girl” couture were actually men. It wasn’t permitted to fail to refer to them as “she.” Doing anything–even having the wrong look on your face–that signaled that you didn’t believe they really were women would get you shrieked at by leftist lunatics (mainly actual women) and accused of “transphobia” and “violence.”

Well it’s 10 years later and the seeds we sowed have blossomed into exactly the rotten fruit conservatives told us they would, and that all of us could have seen if we weren’t so busy pretending reality isn’t real. Given the high percentage of “trans women” in prison who are sexual predators, it should come as no surprise that they’re raping their cellmates. This is just one story out of California, and it’s particularly gruesome; after being allegedly raped by a “lady man “trans woman” behind bars, the court is forcing the victim to refer to her alleged rapist as “she” and “her.”

Mainstream media, of course, are attacking Donald Trump for putting the kibosh on the sadistic practice of putting male criminals in women’s prisons. The UK’s Independent bleats that Trump is “gutting” parts of the Prison Rape Elimination Act. How is Trump doing that? By no longer allowing men in women’s prisons.

The media may still be playing opposite day, but users on Twitter/X are having none of it. Former New York Times writer Alex Berenson, who defected from the Gray Lady has the story:

Though there are a few people sniping at Alex for being a “bigot” for using the term “trannies,” most of the reactions are like this:

Border, Illegal Immigration

Illegals Back in Mexico: “I Don’t Recommend to Cross”

Oh, what a difference a week makes. President Donald Trump has signed a flurry of executive orders since his Jan 20 inauguration, laying waste to gender ideology, restoring girls’ rights to male-free sports and locker rooms, cancelling taxpayer-funded “transition” surgeries for illegal aliens and prisoners, and much more. 

The man campaigned on stopping illegal border jumpers, and he promised to launch the biggest mass deportation in American history. You would think that the fact that at least 11 million illegal aliens have come into the states under Joe Biden’s watch (and it’s impossible to get an accurate number; that is likely an undercount) would have all Americans cheering to get the criminals out. And indeed, a majority of Americans (66 percent according to pollster IPSOS), even including Democrats, say they want illegal aliens removed. All of them. 

But the leadership of the Democratic Party, which has been drifting away from its own constituents with the exception of the hardest-left fringe, seems unable to agree with what its own voters want. Arizona Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs is talking tough, saying her state is not going to help Immigration, Customs, and Enforcement to carry out its work in her state. She must believe Arizonans like Central and South American criminals in their neighborhoods. 

Major media are signaling shock and horror at the very idea of deporting illegals on military planes; it’s just bizarre. Look at these headlines:

You could be forgiven for asking: Do these outlets know that they are American companies? What explains this fairly recent and absurd “love” for foreigners who waltz across our borders, breaking the law? Why do American journalists seem to hate Americans and have bottomless “empathy” for scofflaws who eat up taxpayer resources? 

Still, a number of Democrats in Congress appear to have either found their spines, or have sussed out which way the wind blows. After all, they want to win votes when their terms are up, right? The House passed the Laken Riley Act this week, a law that would allow instant detention and deportation of any illegal who has been charged with a crime, even if the trial has not yet occurred (obviously, their very presence itself is illegal). Forty-six Democrats supported the bill. It ought to be a lot more, but that is progress. 

Whatever reservations the blue team has about enforcing immigration law really aren’t going to matter anyway. Military planes full of illegals are already flying out of the U.S. to destinations like Guatemala and Mexico, and it’s not going to stop. 

LibsofTikTok brings us this clip. Even the illegals themselves know what time it is! One guy quoted says, “I don’t recommend to cross” as he sadly walks himself back into Mexico. 

Commenters on X/Twitter seem very glad to see it. This guy asks the obvious question:

Yes, it always was that easy. It’s the Democrats who refused to enforce the law. 

Of course there’s always that one bleeding heart.
Big Government, Immigration

CNN Anchor Gobsmacked at Notion of Enforcing Law Against Illegal Aliens

The mainstream media has so thoroughly reversed the truth for so many years that even the skeptical among us don’t really react anymore when the most ludicrous statements are made by people who are allegedly trustworthy and serious. Since at least 2016, the left—and the mainstream media is 100 percent left-aligned with the partial exception of Fox News—has successfully unmoored the very idea of truth from anything observable or sensible in the real world. 

Look at how many Americans accept the idea that there are “transgender children.” That is to say, grown adults in huge numbers profess to believe that it is natural and normal for a percentage of children to be “born in the wrong body.” If that doesn’t shock you reading it, that’s because you, like all the rest of us, have been living in a deliberately created dystopian fiction that’s worn you down. You may expect  to hear straight lunacy on the news, but you should not. Big, society-level lies such as the existence of “transgender children” (or really, “transgender” anyone) do enough damage on their own, but there’s a secondary damage: We get used to it enough that we don’t fight back much anymore. 

It’s how cults work. It’s how cult societies such as North Korea grind down adults of ordinary intelligence until they actually believe that it’s Americans, not North Koreans, who are suffering under political abuse. 

So it isn’t a surprise when an allegedly respectable, grown-up news anchor like CNN’s Dana Bash cannot seem to comprehend that it’s normal and morally acceptable to enforce the law against lawbreakers. She can’t accept that simple premise. Listen to Bash characterize the completely normal activity of apprehending criminals, then transporting criminals to where they need to go, as if it were some wicked and nefarious Nazi-inspired activity. 

We’re talking about illegal aliens who broke U.S. law and entered the country without permission. Bash seems, on some (emotional?) level, not to be able to accept that this is actually a crime. She seems unable to accept that, well, yes, physically rounding them up and getting them out of the country is the normal thing countries do with illegal border jumpers. You can imagine her saying to a cop, “Are you really saying that you’re going to HANDCUFF men who break into people’s living rooms?”

Border Czar Tom Homan is having none of it. He reminds Bash that this is a law enforcement action, and that, yes, “sanctuary cities” who try to obstruct the carrying out of the law are not going get away with it. 

Let’s see what X/Twitter users had to say:

This guy’s bafflement speaks for lots of people:

Big Government, National Affairs

Woke Harridan Preacher Tries to Humiliate Trump in National Cathedral

The election of Donald Trump was only the beginning of a chance that the U.S. now has to tack back toward a normal and sane kind of politics. The country lurched so hard to the left over the past 15 years–and beyond into actual clinical insanity–that one election is not going to reset the board overnight. It will be years, perhaps a generation or longer, before “woke” is really rooted out of nearly every business, civic, and cultural institution. 

The hardest left voters and agitators truly believe they are “on the right side of history.” They truly believe that only they are moral, and that everyone to the right of them is fully and incurably immoral. Their minds work in black and white, all-good and all-bad. In psychiatric literature, this kind of thinking is called “splitting.” One “splits” another person into an all-wonderful or all-evil caricature of a whole human person. Splitting is a prominent feature of conditions like borderline personality disorder, a character disorder that includes emotional instability, histrionic emotions and accusations, and the false idea that one is a perpetual victim of others. 

To a close approximation, we can diagnose the U.S. as having a longstanding case of borderline personality disorder, at least the left half of the country. 

So it should be no surprise that on his second day in office, President Donald Trump and his wife Melania were the subject of an attempted humiliation from the pulpit. Preacher Mariann Budde stood at the lectern of the National Cathedral and excoriated Trump as he sat there, accusing him of frightening “trans kids” and illegal aliens. Naturally, Budde features what you might call the “modern mental illness presentation” affected by leftist women. Short, angry gray hair, deliberately awkward glasses, and the put-on “gentle mouse” voice used to cover over a vicious and hysterical rhetorical attack. 

Check it out: 

Budde claims there are “gay lesbian and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and Independent families. . .some who fear for their lives.”

“And the people, the people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meat packing plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals, they they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation,” she added.

This type of rhetoric is just insane. It’s not a difference of opinion. It’s insanity, if we define insanity as a complete disconnection from the objective real world. The hack even even went on CNN after to defend her comments.

Frankly, it is impossible to believe that Mariann Budde genuinely believes that Donald Trump is a threat to the lives and continued state of being alive to “LGBTQ” people. But she is willing to claim that she believes this, which is at least as disturbing as the possibility that she takes her own hysteria seriously. 

One thing’s certain; Twitter/X users don’t: 

Buckle up, friends. There’s going to be more of this before there’s less.


Lib Dem Fundraiser Says She was “Fully Indoctrinated” in Leftist Cult

If you haven’t already, you’re going to hear from many more former leftists who have gone to the right. Since Donald Trump first took office in the White House in 2016, the Democrat party has gone insane. The constant drumbeat of “Russia-gate” and the “very fine people” lie were bad enough during Trump’s first term. 

But the Biden presidency, and its signature issue, the “pandemic,” showed a party completely unmoored from all reality. Not partial; complete. Not only did the federal government shut down the economy over an illness that didn’t do more than a bad flu usually does, but it forced thousands of small businesses to close forever. The government interfered with the rental housing market and forced landlords to give apartments to people for free. 

Meanwhile, the Democrats and the left have tried to compel Americans to believe there’s no such thing as biological sex, all while cheering for gruesome chemical and surgical child abuse that it calls “gender-affirming care.”

And now, after Los Angeles is burning in the worst wildfire in the nation’s history, even more Democrats have said “enough.”

It’s happening in the upper echelons of politics, too. Lindy Li is a former fundraiser for the Democrat party. Until very recently, she was drumming up support for Joe Biden, then for Kamala Harris. Now, she tells the Daily Mail that she was “fully indoctrinated in the Democratic cult.”

In what Li calls the most “painful but rewarding” periods of her life, Li has jumped ship as is looking forward to attending the inauguration of Donald Trump on Jan. 20. Originally born in China but living in the U.S. since she was four years old, Li said she woke up when she saw the gulf between the party’s claims and reality. Harris, she was told, was a shoo-in for the presidency, but in fact, the public hated her. Not only that, but the party wasted billions of dollars, some that Li raised, on a worthless campaign full of lies and empty promises. 

She tells her story in an exclusive interview with the Mail.  In recent media appearances, Li puts her finger on how the Democrat party does it: “They pretend to be so loving and caring.”

Here’s a sampling of what X/Twitter users had to say in response. 

Poor Anne doesn’t seem to understand what she’s seeing. 

Naturally, not everyone is willing to trust a defector right away. 

Some are unsurprised and pleased to see a leftist party operative see the light. 


John Fetterman Stuns Democrats by Speaking and Acting Like an Adult

Pennsylvania Democrat Senator John Fetterman has surprised people on both sides of the aisle for the past few years. The former mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania, took up public office in the rust belt town on a mission to revitalize the failing rural economy. He didn’t come from a small town, or from a poor family. Instead, he grew up in York County in a comfortable middle class home. Not only that, he earned a Master’s degree from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. 

In other words, Fetterman had cemented his progressive bona fides. Then in 2022, he suffered a severe stroke that left him with obvious difficulty reading and speaking. Not without cause, Republican critics questioned whether he was fit for office as it was often impossible to understand his speech or to have confidence that he was able to understand information he was taking in. But Fetterman steadily improved, though his progress was slowed by a severe bout of depression that had him hospitalized in 2023. 

By the end of 2023, he drew a line in the sand with his party, which had tilted so far to the extreme left that even lifelong Democrats were getting alarmed at what the party was doing. Fetterman declared “I’m not a progressive” as he took the Democrats to task for their anti-Israel lurch and their unwillingness to admit that unchecked immigration was out of control. 

Now he’s shocking the establishment again. They’re easy to shock, of course. Just try saying something like, “Men cannot change sex and become women” and the cackling hens on cable news will start squawk-screeching about a holocaust-against-trans-people. On January 7 Fetterman sat down with Fox News’ (bad! bad!) Brett Baier and told him he would be voting in for many of incoming President Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees, including Marco Rubio, Elise Stefanik, Sean Duffy, and more. He also confirmed he was open to considering a yes vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard. 

During his Fox appearance, Fetterman said out loud something that adult politicians would have been able to say without provoking consternation until the past several years of teenage-girl-hysteria that overtook the Democratic Party. The blue team acts–quite literally–as if agreeing with any conservative on any issue is religious heresy. 

“I’m open to hear from everyone, and I don’t know why that’s controversial,” Fetterman said.  “And I also would like to remind everyone on the Democratic side—that’s the way democracy works. Trump won, and now they’re going to run the table. You don’t have to agree with all of it, but I want to find a way to work together on a bunch of them.”

Let’s see what the reaction on X/Twitter looked like. 


Trump Says Her Name: Ashli Babbitt Was the One Who Died on Jan. 6

The disconnect between real world events and the beliefs and statements of “respectable” mainstream media is wider than at any time in living memory. Our grandparents who grew up on the “big three” channels-ABC, CBS, NBC-would not recognize what passes for news reporting today. There was never a golden era when everything the newspapers and TV anchors said was the whole truth, but there was a stronger anchor to reality reflected in the news coverage that began in the mid-20th century and continued through at least the year 2000. 

Not anymore. All the broadcast stations (with the partial exception of Fox News), and all the cable news networks appear to have no actual understanding of the real world. It’s impossible to say whether the beat reporters, correspondents, and anchors actually believe what they say, or whether they are consciously lying. But what they appear to believe, and what they’re trying to get you to believe, bears no relationship to observable events in the real world. 

This is most apparent in coverage of the so-called riots that took place at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. What nearly every news source has called a “violent insurrection” for years was not an insurrection at all. It’s certainly not the case that a total of 1,538 people committed acts of violence or threatened police – yet that is how many protestors have been put through the court system or sent to jail. 

All along, the media, the White House, and Democratic politicians have lied to make the event seem darker and more sinister than it really was. They lied and said Donald Trump encouraged a “violent insurrection,” when in fact he addressed the public and told them to protest “peacefully and patriotically.” Even the compromised Associated Press had to admit it. 

Politicians and the media accused rioters of killing police officers, yet no police officers were killed. They claimed that rioters had bashed capitol police officer Brian Sicknick over the head with a fire extinguisher, killing him. That never happened. Sicknick died of a stroke the day after the non-riot.  

It’s been four years, and the media is still either lying, or is somehow so disconnected from the real world that an impartial observer would legitimately question if there’s a form of mental illness at play among the media elite. While it does appear that some rioters did physically assault Capitol officers, none of them were killed. The media does not seem to care at all about the person who was killed: veteran Ashli Babbitt. She doesn’t rate, you see, because she was MAGA, which for leftists is code for “disposable subhuman scum.” 

Ashli Babbitt’s death didn’t even rate a mention from this pool of reporters asking questions of incoming President Donald Trump when he was asked about Jan 6 pardons Watch this exchange below – the reporter asked Donald Trump if he planned to pardon any of the rioters who attacked police officers. Trump turned it around and replied, “The only one that  was killed was a beautiful young lady named Ashli Babbitt.” He went on to remind the press pool that there were never any charges of “insurrection” against anyone, because no insurrection occurred. 

Response from X/Twitter users was mixed, but most appeared to side with Trump’s approach: 

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