Author name: Alec Johnson

National Affairs

Harris Campaign Lies Again – Falsely Claims Trump Supports Venezuelan Dictator Maduro

There’s a concept in psychology you’ll want to know about because it’s happening everywhere, all the time. The concept is “reversal.” 

Reversal is used by people who lie, distort, or otherwise abuse the truth and other people for their own gain. Common reversals we see in contemporary culture include:

  • Men are women
  • Ugly is beautiful
  • Victims of abuse are the actual perpetrators of abuse
  • Sane people with common sense are mentally ill

The Democrats are today’s masters of reversal. They suspend Constitutional rights during an alleged public health emergency, and call the people who object to having their rights taken away “a threat to our democracy.” We could go on with a list, but Wokespy readers probably already have one as long as their arm. 

The Kamala Harris campaign, of course, is committed to using reversals. This is a presidential candidate who wants to take guns away from Americans, calling those who treasure their second amendment rights as a danger to civil order. She has forced attendees at her events to sign documents attesting to whether or not they were vaccinated, and then treated the unvaccinated as contaminated people who had to keep their distance from normal humans. 

Now, her campaign is (of course) trying to present Donald Trump as a dictator-in-waiting by deliberately cutting a video of an interview with him in order to make Trump appear to approve of Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro. The socialist Maduro appears to have suppressed the results of the recent presidential election that almost certainly to have gone in his opponents’ favor.

Here’s Kam Kam’s campaign “reporting” on a recent interview Trump gave with a podcaster, quoting him appearing to imply that Maduro’s status as a dictator has helped him make Venezuela safer.

Except, there’s one obvious problem – that’s not what Trump said. They stitched together two different statements to make it appear that Trump said that. He did not. He condemns Maduro and his treatment of the Venezuelan people, and was referencing recent reports that so many criminals in Venezuela have fled to illegally enter the U.S. that it’s lowered their crime rate.  

“I know it [the situation in Venezuela] very well. Venezuela is right now, being run by a dictator. We’re enemies with them… They’ve released a tremendous number of criminals into our country. If you look at Caracas, it’s known for being very dangerous, and now it’s very safe.” Trump said.

“In fact, the next interview we do, we’ll do from Venezuela because it’s safer than many of our cities.” Trump said, before clarifying that he was joking because the media would pretend otherwise. “…Their crime is down 72% because they’re taking their criminal elements….. and they’ve moved them into the United States.”

Venezuela has publicly refused to take back their criminals caught in our country on Biden’s watch – which hasn’t stopped Biden from continuing to allow them pouring in over the border.

Here’s the entire clip so you that you can hear what Trump actually said for yourself:

Let’s see how social media users are reacting to The Dems’ latest lie:

Obviously, some people can see the truth. But others who are committed to Blue No Matter Who don’t care about the truth. 

Some endorse brazen lying:

And they tell us not to pick on “childless cat ladies”:

What do you think? Will enough people care about the truth, or will Kamala’s lies win the day? 

Entertainment, LGBTQ+

Everybody Loves Kamala! VP Debuts Campaign on “Drag Race”

Everybody loves Kamala, right gang? Boy, she’s really the greatest, eh?

Isn’t it funny how just a week and a half ago, everyone knew that Kamala Harris was the most unpopular vice president in history, but today it’s as if she’s the political prom queen? It brings to mind that famous line from Orwell’s 1984: “‘”We’ve always been at war with East Asia.”

First, an assassin almost killed former president and current candidate Donald Trump on live television (not that that is settled fact or anything, at least according to the FBI and Newsweek). At the same time, senile President Joe Biden was claiming that only a command from God could make him step down from the presidential race. And meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats were organizing a palace coup to force Biden to exit the race.

It worked, and Biden dropped out. Somehow we’re supposed to believe he’s still fit to serve the remainder of his term.

Nothing seems real because none of this is real. It is all stagecraft, sleight of hand, misdirection, and gaslighting. We know that term (gaslighting) is overused, but it describes something real: the technique of manipulating someone else’s mind so that the target begins to question whether he’s hallucinating, and whether anything is real. Gaslighting is the primary technique of manipulative narcissists, which is why we see the Democrats deploy it so frequently.

And that’s what Kamala Harris’ presidential candidate debut feels like: utterly unreal. Take a look at one of her first appearances announcing her candidacy from the cavalcade of perversion called RuPaul’s Drag Race.

With her patented unhuman cadence, Kamala reminds the audience that “our rights” are being taken away and “our democracy” is in danger. The Drag Race cast sits next to her like statues with smiles made out of painted plaster-of-Paris. 

Is anyone falling for this Potemkin Village performance? Sure, lots of lefties like former secretary of labor Robert Reich, who just published  a ra-ra piece called “Go Kamala!”

But what about people on social media? 

User Milenka may be team blue, but fair is fair, and she makes accurate points. Many conservatives are tired of seeing the right adopt the left’s depravity and nonsense in a misguided attempt to be more popular. 

Bruce points out that if any adversarial country wants to strike the U.S., we’re showing our weak underbelly in public:

We’ll leave you with a nice shot from user Jeff Moll. 


LGBTQ!?@# Adds More Visual Confusion to Already-Ugly Pride Flag

Click on the video below to watch 38 seconds of an apparently legless person with a sing-song and manic affect tell you all about the latest uglification of what’s being called the “progress pride flag.” We’re going to assume that this is a man, but nothing is certain these days. 

In case you don’t want to subject yourself to that much leftie audio, Wokespy will break it down for you!

This is the original gay pride flag. It was never known as the “LGBT” flag until recently. 

Around 2015, a new set of deviants calling themselves “trans” and “queer” somehow climbed to the top of the privilege hierarchy among sexual minorities, displacing plain old-fashioned gay people with those who claimed to have different “genders.” “Abimegender,” for example, is a “gender” that is “profound, deep, and infinite.”

And that’s when the rainbow clown crew started jam-packing the old flag with all sorts of clashing colors and aesthetically baffling symbols to depict the alleged existence of ever-weirder micro-categories of sexuality. 

Our friend in the video above gives us a brief tour. After introducing the “classic” rainbow flag, he points out that the black and brown bands are to “represent people of color,” who, presumably, were not represented by the literal rainbow. Or something. The baby pink and blue stripes are there for “trans folx,” a yellow triangle for “intersex folx,” and the two feathers in what looks like a donut stand for “indigenous folks that identify as two-spirit.”

On that last one: For a group of people who say they’re concerned about being inclusive, it seems strange to represent American Indians with feathers, considering that only some tribes used them in headdresses. And that whole “two-spirit” thing? It’s not some ancient tribal tradition. The idea was coined at some gay and lesbian conference in 1990. 

Social media users are reacting as you would expect them to. 

Well, Natalia, neither can they!

User Fahrenheit533 simplifies the taxonomy for us:

There’s always at least one who says something that’s funny because it’s unkind but true:

What’s your favorite neo-gender? Tell us in the comments!

National Affairs

Former RNC RINO Chairman Michael Steele Embarrasses Himself With Pro-Kamala Harris Fan Art

Let the well-deserved mockery begin! After President Joe Biden’s strangely uncoordinated resignation from the 2024 presidential race, his unsurprising heir apparent has cackled onto a higher dais on the national stage. Kamala Harris, who burst onto the political scene through an affair with Willie Brown believes she’s going to be Queen of America. 

As usual, the feminists are out in force making sure we know they’re “with her,” that she’s going to “break the glass ceiling,” and that we’re going to have our “first black woman president.” The original pussyhat brigade, the Women’s March says:

Nevermind that Harris is not a black American or descendant of slaves, but the child of a mother from India and a father from Jamaica. She’s also, ironically enough, descended from a slave owner. Perhaps they’re thinking that she who cackles loudest cackles best and it will all work out in the end. They’re probably right: Harris dropped out of the race in 2020 with zero delegates, but now she gets all of Joe Biden’s simply by having been in his White House. 

But it’s not just lefist women who’ve lost their minds. Of all people, Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National Committee, appears to be having a re-do of his adolescent comic book crush period. That’s right Wokespy readers, we’ve got Kamala Harris Fan Art. 

Wait-what? What possesses and apparently full-grown conservative Republican man to create homemade cartoons of Kamala Harris as Captain America? (Or is it Lady Captain?).

Also, why does Harris have two shields, and why does the guy to the right of her have an arm coming out of his head?

This is the woman who has gifted us such profound thoughts as “We can imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been.

Let’s see what people on social media had to say about Mr. Steele’s opus. 

Some people got a little bit naughtier:

Credit where it’s due, annoying as that is. 

We like this one the best. 


Mr. Beast Sidekick Accused of Sexting with 13-year-old

Is there anything that “trans” has not contaminated? From movies to television to school curricula to (mostly female) church preachers to children’s programming, it’s all trans, all the time. Time was it was considered, well, weird to be a grown man in makeup and girlie clothes. Now the transvestites of yesterday’s daytime talk shows, presented as the studies in human oddity that they were, are pushed in our faces as “real women.”

But wait-there’s more! Wildly popular Youtube video maker “Mr. Beast,” known for elaborate video pranks and philanthropic give-aways, has a trans sidekick. MrBeast, whose real name is Jimmy Donaldson, boasts a relatively young audience base of over 300 million subscribers on YouTube, and is known for his elaborate and often philanthropic videos. He’s gained widespread recognition for his attention-grabbing stunts, large-scale challenges, and generous donations, often giving away large sums of money, cars, and even houses to strangers and fans.

This has been known for a while since viewers started noticing that co-host Chris Tyson had started to look and act a little more effeminate.

Well now Chris, who abandoned his wife and child, is “Kris”, and “she” is telling everyone that female hormones “saved” “her” life. 

“I am a woman! She/her. I’ve never said that publicly, but I’ve been fully confident in that decision for over a year now,” he said in a recent interview.

But wait—there’s even more! Kris Tyson isn’t just any trans woman; it appears Tyson may be interested in children for reasons other than paternal. The campaign group Gays Against Groomers, made up of homosexuals fighting against the encroachment of child abusers and pedophiles into what used to be simply called the “gay community” has this:

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The trans community, amazingly, was more concerned with his bad it made them look, rather than express any concern for the minors involved.

Now, these are all still just allegations, but talk around Chris Tyson’s sexual interests potentially veering into the “inappropriately aged” category has been going on for some time. This video makes additional allegations:

Social media users seem unsurprised at the accusations, and why shouldn’t they be? We’ve been screamed at for years that “trans women” are real women, normal in every way, even when these lady men are caught perving in women’s bathrooms and worse. 

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Some parents caught on earlier (maybe it was the suspicious use of the “trans colors” of baby pink and baby blue on the wrappers for Mr. Beast snack bars. 

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Normal people are tired of being quiet and told they’re bigots for noticing depravity and saying “no thanks.”

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More is sure to come out over time. What do you think about all this? Tell us in the comments!

Left-wing extremism, Woke

Merriam Webster Gets Offended by Definition of Woman

Most of us remember our parents telling us to take down the Merriam-Webster dictionary from the shelf when we wanted to know what a word meant. That sturdy hardback was the authoritative source on word usage. 

The Merriam-Webster company wants to maintain that status in the digital age, but it’s eaten its own seed corn. Just like Anheuser Busch lost billions in market value when Bud Light teamed up with drag queen (oh, we’re sorry, “trans woman”) Dylan Mulvaney, a nellie gay man pretending to be a girl, Merriam-Webster has torched the very thing that made it credible: truth. 

They’re still branding themselves as authoritative:

Let’s see how they define “female”:

Got it. Being female is only usually about being the female sex (do you see the circular definition problem?). Also, it can just mean having a “gender identity” that’s “opposite” to male. Translation: “Females are males who say they’re girls.”

Right. With that sorted, let’s see what Merriam Webster has been up to on social media lately. 

On Twitter/X, the dictionary asked a question inside its wheelhouse:

OK. But then something strange happened. 

That means MW locked down the post so that no one could reply to the question it was asking. 

Then something even stranger happened.

Gee-what gives? 

That’s right. This is the world you live in in year 2024. The “authoritative” dictionary shut down all discussion and retracted its question when sane, normal people told it that the word “woman” means what it means.

Why? If you’re not familiar with the full extent of the woke left derangement, this is now new normal. Companies of all kinds have been infiltrated by mostly young female leftists who see themselves first as activists. They will destroy companies, destroy reputations, and destroy the meaning of words simply to signal to the leftist world how very good and kind and inclusive they are. 

And much mirth was had on this Twitter thread!

This one probably triggered whatever intern named KaiteLynne staffs the MW Twitter account. 

Looks like Merriam Webster got BIG MAD at some users. 

Got a new definition for an old word you’d like to submit to the dictionary? Tell us in the comments!

Media, National Affairs

Wife of WaPo Columnist Who Argued Trump Is Russian Asset Is Indicted for Being Unregistered Foreign Agent

Taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others—schadenfreude—is one of the main attractions of social media spots like X/Twitter. Of course, whether taking that pleasure is justified is in the eye of the beholder/

X user Jarvis is certainly indulging it with the news he highlighted this week:

As you can see from the screenshot, Max Boot of the Washington Post, like most mainstream media, happily kept the false narrative about Donald Trump being a Russian puppet alive and kicking. The storyline that Trump was working for the Kremlin was just too delicious for leftist media to stop before they’d savored every last bite. 

But similar allegations are hitting much closer to home for Boot. His wife, Sue Mi Terry, has just been indicted on charges of acting as a agent for a foreign government. Terry is a former member of the White House National Security Council and used to work for the CIA. 

The indictment alleges that she worked on behalf of South Korea without registering as a foreign agent as required by law. Specifically, she is accused of pushing for policies favored by the South Korean government, and of disclosing sensitive U.S. information to South Korean government officials. 

The indictment filed in federal court in Manhattan claims Terry did this work in exchange for luxury gifts such as handbags from designers like Gucci, and for cash. Terry’s lawyer says the accusations are false, and that his client is a respected scholar and foreign policy analyst. 

Whatever may eventually wash out in court, social media users are tickled that a journalist who helped keep falsehoods about Trump circulating will now have to contend with similar issues in his personal life. 

Jarvis, the original poster, set the tone:

Do we detect some mockery of the left’s constant claims of being victimized in this exchange?

It’s clear that much of the public is absolutely fed up with the “do as I say, not as I do” lifestyle of today’s leftist elites. 

Big Cities

Chicago Mayor With Apparently No Real Local Problems Wants George Washington Out of City Hall

Conservatives have long warned that the leftist impulse to erase and destroy the past won’t stop with erasing only the “villains.” It won’t stop with simply taking down monuments to Confederate soldiers, or slaveholders, or “settler colonialists” as the anti-Israel crowd labels them. Of course, many now-contentious historical figures weren’t thorough-going villains except as judged by modern woke standards, but try explaining that to a leftist.

During the Black Lives Matter hysteria of the early 2020s, America lost its collective mind and stood idly by while vandals and university chancellors alike removed or destroyed dozens of historical monuments. Back in 2022, CNN reported that more than 70 monuments depicting men from the Confederacy had been taken down.

And who can forget the glee with which liberal media pictorially reported on the melting down of a Charlottesville, Virginia, statue of Robert E. Lee?

The conservatives were right.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, who is even more Lori Lightfoot, his predecessor, than Lightfoot was herself, plans to remove the statue of our nation’s founding father, George Washington, from City Hall. Maybe it’s public pushback, or something else, but media are now reporting that the Johnson administration may be backing down. Frankly, it’s hard to believe there’s enough patriotic outrage in the U.S. in year 2024 that Johnson would get any blowback at all, but if there is, it can only be a good thing.

Of course, since contrived black grievance (not to mention rampant black narcissism) sells so well, Johnson reportedly wanted to replace Washington with a “black Chicagoan.”

What is clear is that many Americans are tired of this insulting nonsense, and they’re expressing it on social media with humorous sarcasm.

User Joseph Michael reminds us that Republicans were right, including the Uber-Republican himself.

Ouch, Uncle Paul! It’s funny because it’s true.

Whose statue do you think will fall next? Tell us in the comments!

Left-wing extremism, Media

CNN Host Melts Down at Rep. Cory Mills Over Security Failures at Trump Rally

It may be cliché to point to CNN as the premiere example of a failed news organization, but there isn’t a better example of what happens to media when the emotions and political proclivities of its staff override journalistic integrity. 

And there isn’t a better recent example than this exchange between CNN anchor Kate Bolduan and Republican House Rep. Cory Mills of Florida. Mills was brought on to discuss how the Secret Service handled security at Donald Trump’s July 13 rally at Butler, Pennsylvania. We can all see the result—20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at the president, nearly putting a bullet in his brain while the crowd screamed in panic. 

We’re now seeing video on social media with people claiming to have seen Crooks maneuvering to get on top of a nearby roof with a clear line of sight, begging police to do something about it, to no avail. Well, Rep. Mills is a former Army sniper and he’s displeased with the Secret Service, to put it mildly. 

During the interview he listed numerous apparent failures, most obviously the fact that Crooks was able to get on top of the building roof with no one stopping him, and no agents stationed on that roof. Mills called it an “obvious” spot for a shooter to go for. He said he was left scratching his head about the Service’s decision-making process.

“I’m having a very difficult time not leaning myself toward . . .this was intentional as opposed to fecklessness.”

That’s when CNN anchor Bolduan began to lose it. Visibly agitated, she interrupted Mills and said with obvious emotion in her voice that he was “leaning toward” being a conspiracy theorist:

She interrupts him repeatedly like a scolding schoolteacher, clearly trying to get him to stop speculating about even the possibility that some of the security failures might have been intentional. Despite Mills trying to explain to her that he is pointing out why an investigation is necessary, Bolduan is clearly upset and alarmed that she cannot force him to stop speaking. 

“Is it not dangerous? Is it not reckless to even be throwing around the word intentional?” she said, repeatedly moving her hand toward him in a “shush” gesture. You can see her clenching her jaw and sighing while squirming in her chair. “Mommy” was clearly upset. At one point, she even said, “I’m so uncomfortable right now.”

Are you feeling confident in your ability as an American to hear the news and information you need? 

Twitter/X users were, in the main, not impressed with Bolduan. 

Several users obviously wanted to hear more from the expert, Rep. Mills, and less from what some called the “blonde woman on CNN.”

It brings to mind the line from Don Henley’s famous song “Dirty Laundry”: “Bubble-headed bleach blonde comes on at five.”

How you rate CNN on this one? Tell us in the comments. 

National Affairs

Stop for a Chuckle: Online Jokesters Say Illegals Saved Trump

When a would-be assassin nearly killed President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania Saturday, July 13, his survival looked like a miracle – because it was. You’ve probably already seen this incredible photograph that caught the bullet that nearly killed the 45th president, in mid-air, just a microsecond before it clipped his ear. 

The U.S. Sun has an illustration that shows just how close Donald Trump came to death. At just the exact right moment, Trump turned his head away from the crowd in front, allowing the bullet to graze his ear. If he hadn’t, it would have gone straight through his brain. 

Serious questions are being asked (shouted, really) across the political spectrum. How did the shooter manage to get onto an empty rooftop with a clear line of sight? How did the Secret Service not notice him? Why did so many police apparently ignore spectators who were pleading with them to notice the man on the roof and take action before it was too late? 

But what caused Trump to turn his head? It was this chart:

Every honest American knows we have been invaded by at least 10 million illegal aliens under President Joe Biden’s watch. It’s undeniable that the Biden administration wants this to happen, as they’ve done next to nothing to stop the influx, and taken action to worsen it, all while bleating that it’s Republicans’ fault (even though the Democrats control the federal government). 

Really, what else can they do? The chart says it all. When Trump cracked down on the problem during his administration starting in late 2019, the number of border jumpers dropped precipitously. And then Biden took office, and the bars on the chart reached up like Manhattan skyscrapers. 

The Twitter/X user who posted the chart injected a bit of much-needed humor into what has been an awful weekend for Americans. 

Others took a similar approach with absurd silliness like this:

And the laughs just keep on coming. 

Especially in times of woe, laughter is often the best (or only) medicine. But there’s always that one party pooper. 

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