Author name: Alec Johnson

Media Matters Meltdown: Far-Left Smear Machine Starts Laying Off Staff

The hard-left smear machine “Media Matters” is getting a taste of its own cancellation medicine, and its employees don’t like it one little bit. Media Matters presents itself as a watchdog over right-wing media and public figures, but acts more like a propaganda company dedicated to ruining their political opposition by any means necessary. The

Media Matters Meltdown: Far-Left Smear Machine Starts Laying Off Staff Read More »

Illinois Democrats Look to Change the Term “Offender” – And You’ll Never Believe What They’re Replacing It With

Scientist Steven Pinker calls it the “euphemism treadmill,’ that whenever a term for something—a kind of person, a phenomenon—gets to a certain age, people itch to replace it with something they think is nicer. What that means is that people want to wash away any negative or unflattering connotations of a current term and replace

Illinois Democrats Look to Change the Term “Offender” – And You’ll Never Believe What They’re Replacing It With Read More »

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