Author name: Alec Johnson

Democrats, Entertainment

Online Gossip Rag TMZ Falls for Beyoncé DNC Rumor

The entire Democrat campaign for president is nothing but hot air about Kamala Harris, so why not a little more? Breitbart has the bead on what appears to be an orchestrated lie put out by the Harris campaign to pump up numbers at the Democratic National Convention that wound up in Chicago.

Did you hear that pop goddess Beyoncé was supposed to appear? Plenty did, thanks to a rumor that the online gossip tabloid TMZ put out. As it turns out, their source for the claim was Harris’ senior political director and strategist Emmy Ruiz, who knowingly lied and then joked about it after.

The rumor then spread like wildfire, as you can see below in the compilation of liberal news outlets that then pushed it.

TMZ’s gossip originated from Ruiz tweeted out a bee emoji, and because Beyonce”s fans call her “Queen B” therefore Beyonce would be appearing at the DNC. And while that seems like a stretch, that was what Ruiz wanted all along, who joked after fooling the media (who wanted to be fooled) that she only tweeted that because her “6 year old took my phone.”

Is anyone surprised? Harris is an empty candidate with no ideas except how to achieve her own will to power. She’s been rightly mocked by critics across the political spectrum for having a presidential campaign website with absolutely zero policy details and no platform. But it sure is full of pictures of Harris and running mate Tim Walz attempting to simulate human grins.

Harris managed to get an audience at all at one of her first rallies after the apparent “soft coup” that dumped Joe Biden out of the race by giving rally goers a free concert. Superstar rapper Meghan Thee Stallion looks to be the reason anyone turned out, but one thing is certain: it was the first time a presidential candidate featured “twerking” at a campaign rally. That’s no longer remarkable, apparently, as all CNN had to say about the fact that a rapper was thrusting her ass into the audience’s face was that she was wearing a pantsuit just like Kam Kam. 

People on social media are mocking the Beyoncé rumor with many saying anyone who fell for it is a fool. But are they? In a country with a major political party that endorses the surgical and chemical mutilation of confused children and calls it “gender affirming care,” is a Beyoncé convention appearance that hard to buy?

Let’s see what people on X have to say. 

He’s got a point. 

This one will make you titter. 

You can’t really argue with Anthony about this one. 

Rochelle speaks for us. 

Supreme Court

SCOTUS Gives Go Ahead to Arizona Voter Citizenship Requirement

One of the strangest things in American politics is the partisan debate over the issue of whether voters should have to produce identification when they show up at the polls. Democrat politicos constantly argue against states that want to require ID to vote in elections, branding those efforts as “racist.” 

It’s never explained, of course, why asking for a driver’s license or state ID card disadvantages black or Hispanic voters.. But the way Democrats talk you’d think it was the equivalent of a poll tax designed to keep “po, ignunt” black folks from being able to exercise their franchise. 

But how? Do black people truly not have driver’s licenses? Is there something about being dark-skinned that makes it hard or impossible to get the standard ID that everyone uses daily to buy booze, or cigarettes, or any other adult item? Obviously not, but in a country where the left half is primed to see whites as devils fixin’ to git them blacks, it plays well. 

Vice President and now Democrat Party presidential nominee—she who has suddenly “become black” despite building her image on her Indian heritage on her mother’s side—Kamal Harris recently came under fire for requiring identification to enter one of her rallies in Phoenix. The least-popular vice president in history has a history of calling voter ID laws racist

Well, the worm has turned at the Supreme Court, which just issued a 5-4 decision allowing an even more “controversial” requirement to go forward in Arizona. SCOTUS said Arizona can force potential voters to prove that they are U.S. citizens if the would-be voter tries to register to vote using Arizona’s state form. 

Over 40,000 people are registered to vote in federal elections in Arizona who haven’t provided proof of citizenship.

The vote was 5-4 on allowing limited enforcement of the law. One conservative Justice, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, joined the three liberal justices in dissent. The court, in a brief order, did not explain its reasoning for how four justices could possibly take this stance.

It’s incredible that such an issue had to be litigated all the way to the Supreme Court. It raises the question: “Who thinks there’s something wrong with making sure illegal aliens don’t vote in U.S. elections?” Democrats, that’s who.

Let’s look at what social media users have to say about it on X (formerly Twitter). 

It’s hard to argue against this guy’s point:

It boggles the rational mind:

We’d like to agree with this next one, and in a sane world, she would be right. But when one side of the aisle sees illegal aliens as a means to getting more Congressional seats when the census comes (did you know that districting is done off census numbers, which count and include everyone, even illegal aliens?), it’s easy to see why Democrats don’t like proof of citizenship laws. 


Woke Woman Wanted to Jump Out Window to Escape “Racist” Matt Walsh

Author Robin DiAngelo made a mint and got herself in the media spotlight for a couple of years after publishing the book “White Fragility.” The quintessential AWFL—Affluent Liberal White Woman—DiAngelo made her name describing her fellow white people as “fragile,” meaning that they were unable to take any criticism for what she says is the inherent and essential racism that all white people are born with. For people in this crowd, racism is the “original sin” that stains the soul of everyone who is, shall we say, insufficiently melanated. 

But it looks like it’s wokies, not “white people,” who are exceptionally delicate and easily perturbed. Conservative podcast host and filmmaker Matt Walsh, who works for the conservative outlet the Daily Wire, has been riling up liberal leftists for years, but this time he got the police called on him by a group of people who have ended up in his new film “Am I Racist?”

Earlier in the week Walsh released a hilarious clip from the film where he’s kicked out of a “privilege support group” and has the police called on him. Since then, the police report filed with the Ramapo Police Department in Suffern, New York, has been released, and it’s just as funny.

The members of a discussion group seemed to believe their life was in danger from the presence of a conservative white male. The officer who wrote the report said a woman who attended the anti-racist discussion group at which Walsh was present “felt uncomfortable,” though she would not elaborate when pressed for details. 

It sounds from the report like she was more than just uncomfortable; she sounds downright paranoid. Check out this page of the police report where the complainant tells the officer she considered using a chair to break a window and escape!

You can probably guess, but let’s take a look at how X users reacted to this news. Wouldn’t you know it, Walsh himself had something to say in the thread:

Others found it as hilarious as the creator himself. 

But angry leftists follow Walsh and LibsofTikTok wherever they go, and some of their reactions sound as unhinged as the very delicate lady who wanted to jump out of a window to avoid being in the room with a conservative white man. They have no trouble floating spurious accusations, either. 

What would you do to escape a room with Matt Walsh? 

Left-wing extremism, LGBTQ+

SCOTUS Rejects Latest Biden Assault on Women’s Rights

The forces of good had a major victory at the Supreme Court:

Let’s put this topic and the recent SCOTUS decisions into plain English. “Title IX” is part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It was signed into a law as an addition to the original 1964 legislation by president Richard Nixon in 1973. The original intent of Title IX was to protect girls and women from discrimination. Here is the original text:

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

In plain terms, this made it illegal for schools that take federal money to discriminate against girls. It has traditionally been interpreted to mean that schools must provide equal sports and scholastic opportunities for girls the same as they provide for boys. This led to the expansion of athletic programs for females in U.S. schools. 

But for the past 10 years, American leftists have lost their minds on matters of sex, insisting on adopting the woke idea of “gender identity.” An illusion made up by so-called “transgender” activists, “gender identity” is the false claim that people can be or “feel” either male or female despite their anatomy. That is to say, if a man or boy claims he is a woman or a girl, we have to consider that to be the truth. 

This is what the Biden administration believes, and it has reinterpreted Title IX to mean that boys who call themselves girls must be allowed to enter girls’ locker rooms and sports teams, for example.

About half the states have sued the federal government and persuaded courts to block implementation of these changes. In response, the Biden administration petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to allow it to implement the other Title IX changes, which are blocked along with the gender identity provisions in the states that have won court injunctions. 

The Supreme Court just said “no” in a  5-4 decision. The bottom line: this is not a final decision that stops the changes from Title IX from going into effect. It only means that the lower-court injunctions blocking Title IX changes in about half the states will stay in effect. The other states that approve of the Title IX changes will continue implementing them. The entire issue is very likely to wind up at the Supreme Court for a final decision. 

Most social media users were happy to see a return of (at least some) common sense on the “gender identity” issue, though some are still puzzled how the Democrat party ended up fighting to take away protections for women. 

This one is so on the mark it practically burns up the page:

And is there any issue you can’t find a Simpsons reference for? 

National Affairs

Psst! Karine and Joe Know Each Other—Pass it On!

She of the corkscrew curls—or ramen noodle wig if you prefer—is having such a hard time holding together the White House’s public image that she is now reduced to “answering” reporters’ questions about Kamala Harris’ accomplishments by giving the vice president co-credit for policies enacted by President Joe Biden. Think of it as Karine Jean-Pierre grading Harris on a curve for a group class project. 

First, we have to set the scene by describing the media silliness that provoked the topic. Readers, stay with me; this is as dumb as it seems. We all know that Joe Biden is president, and that Kamala Harris is vice president. They are, literally and uncontroversially, a team that both work in the White House. Therefore, it is fair to think of the two of them as being connected, is it not?

The geniuses over at Politico don’t think so:

You read that right. It’s the supercharged version of the media’s reflexive reaction any time a conservative objects to an over the top or dangerous leftist policy: “Republicans pounce!” We are to believe that Donald Trump, the worst Bad Orange Man ever, is acting like a lunatic by “trying to draw a connection” between. . .the president and the vice president. 

We really are through the looking glass. Up is down, black is white, and there is no such thing as objective reality. 

As usual, Twitter/X users had something to say about that, starting with the estimable LibsofTikTok:

Then we get some quality snark:

How does White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre come into this?

We’re not sure if Politico knows this, but it looks like even she has fallen under The Donald’s spell. “Answering” a question from a reporter about what specific policy accomplishments Harris can claim credit for, an annoyed Jean-Pierre recently “admitted” the blatantly obvious; that Harris and Biden are connected because they work together. “Bidenomics has been something that both the President and the Vice President has worked on” she told Peter Doocy, who asked about whether Harris was trying to distance herself from Biden.

Considering what she has to defend, one almost feels sorry for Jean-Pierre, but then one remembers she willingly signed up to take a paycheck to protect a dishonest and senile president from accountability to the citizens he allegedly serves. 

Plenty of past White House spokeswomen (hello, Jen Psaki) have made it clear they believe they’re above answering questions from the unwashed masses, but Jean-Pierre has made it into an art form. She telegraphs annoyance at “impertinent” and “inappropriate” questions from the press (huh?), but when it comes to trying to answer a substantive question, she falls apart. When pressed about the recent news that presidential son Hunter Biden leaned on the State Department for insider help winning a business contract, Jean-Pierre literally stuttered her way through the answer

Plenty of Twitter/X users are having deserved fun at her expense. User Andrew Dice Hardy cadged the spokeswoman’s own malapropism and shot it back:

We’re with mummabear in spirit, but we’re afraid you can “just make up words”—if you’re a Democrat. 

No social media thread would be complete without at least one clinical teaching example of the symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome:


World Health Organization: Still Trying to Scare You With Monkeypox

You could be forgiven for thinking the World Health Organization is getting its jollies writing fantasy scripts for sci-fi pandemic movies it hopes to make. What else explains this global octopus’s obsession with inflating rare diseases into The Next Big Thing That’s Going to Kill You? Apparently they didn’t eat enough at the years-long buffet that was the alleged respiratory pandemic. 

So the WHO is having a Grand Re-Opening for Monkeypox. Excuse me, “Mpox,” because someone decided it was racist to use the word “monkey.” Yes, really. 

What’s that, you say? Why, don’t you remember when Monkeypox terrorized the entire world in 2022? Of course not, because it didn’t, but not for lack of trying on the part of the WHO and a salivating media. 

Remember those pictures of gay men in American cities lining up around the block to get the vaccine for it? Gee, I wonder why.

Here’s the deal: you don’t have to worry about Monkeypox unless you’re a prostitute or particularly promiscuous. The disease causes blisters and sores, sometimes in sensitive areas, and makes people feel pretty crummy. But according to the WHO itself, most cases resolve on their own, and only a small number of people will die. In the Western world with modern medicine the death rate is negligible. 

But you wouldn’t know it from the breathless social media releases put out by what looks like a Dollar Store Version of the Justice League. From prolific X user Collin Rugg:

They’re SAVING LIVES, see? Let’s all get our pots and kettles out for nighttime appreciative banging like the Brits did for the NHS in 2020.

Let’s see what Twitter/X users think. 

This one cracked us up. 

We here at Wokespy are with Saltygoat:

What say you, readers? 


Blasphemy Laws Back Are Back in England

What’s going on in the United Kingdom should have any American at full alert. While we overthrew the crown and broke away hundreds of years ago, the U.S. and the UK are cousins. What happens in one country often gets duplicated in another. 

Alarmingly, despite breaking from the European Union, Britain is going down the European route of ever more restrictive policing and draconian punishment against its own population while foreigners commit crimes with seeming abandon. 

The stabbing of 13 children—three of them died—at a dance class in Southport was the spark that set the tinder pile ablaze this week as riots broke out in several English towns and cities. This time, it was mostly native English people who were fed up. Their unheard frustrations about economic decline, foreigner crime, and the government’s generosity to “migrants” and stinginess to Brits boiled over. 

Police have arrested more than 1,000 people in connection with the riots, which the mainstream media characterizes—like the British government does—as “far right.” This report makes sure to get the phrase “racist attacks” right into the first few paragraphs. 

But it’s not just vandals and rioters getting put in handcuffs. It’s Brits engaging in wrongthink and wrongspeak. Take a look at these two glazed-eyed coppers walking into a man’s living room and putting him under arrest for something he posted on Facebook. We don’t know what it is, and we’re as confused as he is. 

And what is this? 

It appears to be exactly what it looks like: persecution of a native Brit by the police. How in the world does the question, “who the f*** is Allah” get an 18-month prison sentence? It’s no surprise, considering the creepy and dystopian “public service announcement” by the Crown Prosecution Service, which warns Internet users to “think before you post.”

If you’re in the mood for gaslight, be sure to watch it:

Twitter/X users are asking questions about the jailing of a man for asking an “impertinent” question that might offend delicate Muslim sensibilities.

Americans are doing their best to warn our British cousins, and our own countrymen.

Some are pointing directly at Islamism, which the UK government is terrified to do. 

We hope this guy isn’t right, but it’s looking like he might be:

What say you readers? Can the English make Britain great again? 

Economics, Media

Media Helps Harris Steal Trump’s No Tax on Tips Plan

Waiters and waitresses, barbers and hairdressers, and delivery drivers, make a large portion of their income through tips. Tips are especially important for restaurant servers as, believe it or not, the federal minimum wage in 2024 for tipped employees is only $2.13. Yours truly started waiting tables in 1992, and that’s the same rate restaurants were paying then. Of course, many states have raised that wage, but the federal government has not. 

Whatever you think of the current proposals to stop the IRS from taxing tips, one thing everyone knows is that the idea belongs to Donald J. Trump. He floated the idea at a June, 2024 campaign rally. 

Then, just as she swiped the presidential nomination, America’s least-favorite Democrat Kamala Harris is stealing Trump’s idea. The cackler in chief is now energizing the crowds at her rally by promising to take tips off the table for the tax man. This isn’t particularly surprising, given the source. But what may irk you more is how the mainstream media is colluding with it. 

When Trump suggested it, they scorned him. When Kamala swiped it, they cheered her. Take a look at this headline comparison:

It couldn’t be more brazen. Everything Trump does and says must be evil no matter what. CBS News was motivated to frame Trump’s proposal as a blow to the treasury, but when Harris came out with the same line, there was no such framing. Nor was there any acknowledgment of the hollow candidate’s idea thievery. 

It’s reminiscent of the media’s contrived outrage over the fact that Kamala Harris was put in charge of stopping the influx of illegal immigrants. The press is fixated on claiming that she was not appointed “border czar” by formal legislation using that exact title. “See! Republicans lie! Nobody officially named her ‘border czar!’” But the media did, in fact, routinely call her “border czar” until it was no longer convenient. Leftist digital pulp outlet Axios had to eat its own words when it blasted Republicans for calling Harris the border czar. Check it out:

And then:

It’s hard to say what the American public will make of Harris’ policy sleight of hand, but social media users aren’t shy about sharing their view of the lying media:

Can we get some praise for Elon Musk for preserving at least one public forum where people can tell the truth?

This user pointed out the flip side of consumers not mistrusting the media enough:

Britain, crime, Crime Denial

British Police Threaten to Extradite Americans-Including Elon Musk!

The kingdom that brought us George Orwell is on its knees to the very forces he predicted in the novel 1984. Riots have broken out in towns across the UK, and unusually, they’re mainly being done by white, native English people. We’re used to seeing Muslim-instigated street demonstrations and violence, which go largely unchecked by the police – but all of a sudden, the police care now.

Native Brits have had more than enough of the influx of illegal “migrants” who are transforming once classically English hamlets and cities into no-go zones for the native born (or, to borrow some language from the left, “the indigenous English”). The proximate cause of the violence is the recent fatal stabbing of three girls (and the critical wounding of 10 other children) at a dance class in Southport.

In fact, the alleged murderer is a 17-year-old who was born in Wales. But while the mainstream media likes to describe him simply as a Welshman, and a “boy,” the suspect was born to Rwandan immigrants. Whether this has anything to do with his motivations for the crime he is charged with is unclear, but it has brought out long repressed resentment among native Brits who believe their government cares more about pleasing foreigners than it does about protecting British subjects.  

Even more than the U.S., the UK government is utterly crazed about “equity” and “inclusion.” It has become impossible for any native Brit—most especially any white native Brit—to even express affection for towns that look and sound English without being accused of murderous “racism.” Brown people may honor and be proud of their culture. But white people cannot. 

Now the government has gone mad from the prime minister on down. Newly elected Labour PM Keir Starmer has made two addresses excoriating what he calls “thugs” and vandals, promising the harshest treatment. Starmer says nothing, of course, when Islamists knife Brits in the streets. 

With the imprimatur of Parliament, local police forces are salivating on television as they contemplate locking up English people for “online violence.” That’s right. The Crown Prosecution Service is filling its twitter feed with pictures of white Brits they’ve arrested in a way they would never do if the suspects were non-white. 

Now the chief of the Metropolitan Police in London, Sir Mark Rowley is threatening to extradite people from other countries into Britain to face prosecution if they say the wrong things online.

Rowley said to Sky News “We will throw the full force of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you.”

And apparently no one is safe – including Americans, and even Elon Musk. He added that “Being a keyboard warrior does not make you safe from the law,” and named “the likes of Elon Musk” as potential investigation targets for people to potentially charge for their social media comments outside the UK.

You can watch him say it himself below:

We’re happy to see that Americans on social media are reacting appropriately….

Left-wing extremism, LGBTQ+

Tim Walz Paid “Satanic” Drag Performer for Lurid Show

Few people would have believe you if, 20 years ago, you told them that one of the wholesome heartland states in America would become a cesspool of street violence, riots, and would be represented in Congress by a Somalian immigrant whose allegiance to her home country strikes many as outweighing her commitment to America. 

Sound extreme? Then why did Governor Tim Walz recently sign off on an “update” to the Minnesota flag that looks reminiscent of the Somalian flag? Here’s the old Minnesota flag:

Here’s the new Minnesota flag as of 2023:

And here’s the flag of Somalia:

Leftist media are insisting that anyone who believes the new state flag is a nod to Somalia has fallen for a “right wing conspiracy theory.” Maybe. But is it that hard to believe, given far-left progressive MN Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s track record?

It’s not just flags. All sorts of interesting things are coming out regarding Tim Walz, the progressive MN governor picked by Kamala Harris as her vice-presidential running mate. He’s being accused of stolen valor for allegedly lying about his military service, and for, supposedly, abandoning his military comrades to avoid being deployed to Iraq. 

You knew LGBTQ was going to come into this, didn’t you? Of course, Walz signed a bill last year that makes Minnesota a “sanctuary state” for so-called “trans kids” (there is no such thing as a transgender child because there is no such thing as a transgender person). What this means is that a parent who wants to mutilate her child can take him to Minnesota, and the state will not obey an extradition or arrest orders from the originating state—even if the family is in a custody battle and the father does not want his child surgically abused. 

So this won’t be any surprise, either. LibsofTikTok highlighted a story about how Walz used taxpayer money to hire a “Satanic” drag queen to perform at a show open to children. 

Draq queen “Martina Marracino,” who calls himself “Adam Divine” when filming pornographic films, specializes in making gay incest-themed adult movies. But that’s all just fine, because his drag performance in Minnesota was “made possible by the voters of Minnesota.” Huh? 

A poster advertising the show put it this way: “This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the East Central Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.”

It seems unlikely the majority of Minnesotans want their tax dollars going to a man who dresses as a woman and pretends to have sex with family members on camera, but what would we know?

Let’s see what social media users had to say: 

You’ve caught on to how the Democratic party is trying to portray ordinary conservatives as “weird,” recently. Perhaps it’s time to turn that around. 

This user had the same idea:

What say you, Wokespy readers? Who is weirder? Say, mean old JD Vance, or Minnesota’s “Tampon Timmy?”

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