California’s Governor Goodhair Vetoes Bill to Give Tax Money to Illegals
You’re going to have a hard time believing this, but woke Democrat governor of California, Gavin Newsom, actually said no to a bill that would have given illegal aliens free down-payment money to buy a home in the U.S.
The bill, AB 1840, was called the “California Dream For All” bill. It would have given taxpayer money to illegal aliens to use for a downpayment on a house. You read that right. A bill to give away your money as an American citizen to illegal border jumpers worked its way through both chambers of the California legislature and made it all the way to the governor’s desk. We are living in an era where politicians can publicly advocate stealing money from U.S. citizens to give to criminals who waltz into our country illegally.
This should be no surprise, really, as it’s become clear that the Democrats hate American citizens and believe we are cash cows for third-world vagrants. Especially the “unhoused.”
AB 1840 was generous, too, promising the aliens 20 percent of their dream home’s value up to $150,000. And if you live in California, you would be buying their home for them. Aren’t you nice?
We’re scratching our heads over why Gavin Newsom, who has been likened to the psychopathic character Patrick Bateman from the movie American Psycho, would suddenly have felt a fiduciary duty to his own citizens above the desires of illegal foreigners. After all, Newsom signed a bill recently to give Medicaid (again, you pay for this with your tax dollars) to all illegal immigrants in the Golden State.
But on AB 1840, he is signing a different tune. While he certainly did not come out and admit that it’s gallingly unfair to take tax dollars from U.S. citizens to give houses to criminal illegals, he did say he could not sign the bill because of the “finite funding” for housing in California.
Users on X (Twitter) had their own theories about Newsom’s motivation.
We suspect Jewels here is right; Newsom is likely positioning himself for a future presidential run.
What do you think explains Governor Goodhair’s change of heart?