Author name: Alec Johnson

Big Government

California’s Governor Goodhair Vetoes Bill to Give Tax Money to Illegals

You’re going to have a hard time believing this, but woke Democrat governor of California, Gavin Newsom, actually said no to a bill that would have given illegal aliens free down-payment money to buy a home in the U.S. 

The bill, AB 1840, was called the “California Dream For All” bill. It would have given taxpayer money to illegal aliens to use for a downpayment on a house. You read that right. A bill to give away your money as an American citizen to illegal border jumpers worked its way through both chambers of the California legislature and made it all the way to the governor’s desk. We are living in an era where politicians can publicly advocate stealing money from U.S. citizens to give to criminals who waltz into our country illegally. 

This should be no surprise, really, as it’s become clear that the Democrats hate American citizens and believe we are cash cows for third-world vagrants. Especially the “unhoused.” 

AB 1840 was generous, too, promising the aliens 20 percent of their dream home’s value up to $150,000. And if you live in California, you would be buying their home for them. Aren’t you nice? 

We’re scratching our heads over why Gavin Newsom, who has been likened to the psychopathic character Patrick Bateman from the movie American Psycho, would suddenly have felt a fiduciary duty to his own citizens above the desires of illegal foreigners. After all, Newsom signed a bill recently to give Medicaid (again, you pay for this with your tax dollars) to all illegal immigrants in the Golden State. 

But on AB 1840, he is signing a different tune. While he certainly did not come out and admit that it’s gallingly unfair to take tax dollars from U.S. citizens to give houses to criminal illegals, he did say he could not sign the bill because of the “finite funding” for housing in California. 

Users on X (Twitter) had their own theories about Newsom’s motivation. 

We suspect Jewels here is right; Newsom is likely positioning himself for a future presidential run. 

What do you think explains Governor Goodhair’s change of heart? 

Big Government

70% of “Migrants” Under Biden Came Illegally

The Biden administration is pathologically incapable of telling the truth about the “migrant” crisis at the U.S. border. They seem to pick responses at random, including:

  • There is no migrant crisis
  • Well maybe there is but it’s Trump’s fault
  • Yeah there are lots of migrants but it’s actually a good thing

They can’t even accept the reality of the job they gave to Vice President Kamala Harris, who Joe Biden put in charge of figuring out the “root problem” propelling so many foreign nationals to jump over the very lightly guarded U.S.-Mexico border. The Democrats and the mainstream media (to be redundant) dedicated almost a week of the news cycle to shrieking about how “border czar” was not Harris’ official job title, as if that mattered. (Watch below for just a few examples)

Even the words the administration uses—sadly, conservatives have adopted this language, too—is dishonest. Have you noticed that over the past year, the terms “illegal alien,” and “undocumented immigrant” have disappeared? We’re now all supposed to call them all “migrants,” as if the millions of aggressive military-aged young men pouring into America (breaking the law) were simply jolly travelers with a knapsack on a stick coming to the Hard Rock Candy Mountain. 

Never mind the 4,000 Venezuelan “migrants” who trashed a Target parking lot in Colorado last week and fired guns into the air in what the Aurora police tepidly called a “gathering.”

The Wall Street Journal has put together a chart using data from the Congressional Budget Office showing that more than 70 percent of the “migrants” who entered the country under Joe Biden did so illegally. 

Unsurprisingly, X/Twitter users on that thread were not happy with the situation. 

“Bourbon Moon” asks a question we’d like to know the answer to; Democrats seem to have a death wish. 

Tamas asks another, and we suspect we’re never going to be told the truth about this. 

Well, yes. 

Readers, what do you think the total number of illegals is under Biden? And do you think we’ll ever be able to trust the numbers from any government? 

Entertainment, LGBTQ+

Will Ferrell Takes Road Trip With New Best Lady Man Friend

Oh lord—Netflix just won’t quit.

Just as it seems like the world is finally getting tired enough of woke claptrap about race, gender, and all manner of “oppressions,” entertainment companies are doubling down on woke offerings that seem destined to bring ridicule instead of profit. 

The Netflix streaming service is one of the worst offenders. What used to be about as popular and “loved by everyone” as Blockbuster Video was in the 1980s and 1990s is now a digital “freaks on demand” service. In the past few years the service has offered viewers a multi-part documentary focusing on the alleged troubles of third-tier American whiner/actress Meghan Markle and her henpecked husband Prince Harry Windsor, a series featuring dimwitted race huckster Ibram X. Kendi (real name: Ibram Henry Rogers, but that doesn’t sound Militant Black enough), and a show called “He’s Expecting.” Yes. It’s a show about a pregnant man, because that’s a real thing now we are all commanded to believe on pain of cancellation. 

One of the most ridiculous and offensive series in recent years has to be the “reimagining” of the Tudor Court. Or, as we like to call it, Black Anne Boleyn. That’s right, Netflix decided to really reimagine the downfall of Henry VIII’s second wife by casting dark-skinned black actress Jodie Turner Smith. Because we all know that black Africans were a huge part of early modern English life, and that Henry was an early proponent of interracial dating. 

The Daily Mail wrote about how the company was experiencing the Go Woke, Go Broke effect, and axed some of its worst offerings in order to save the company’s bottomline. But has Netflix woken up? Not if its latest Will Ferrell comedy is any indication.

“Will and Harper” is a road-trip buddy movie with a twist: it’s actually a documentary. Oh, and there’s another twist: one of the buds has become a bud-ette.  Ferrell stars along with former Saturday Night Live head writer Harper Steele as themselves. The trailer opens with a maudlin-comic (they think) introduction by Ferrell in which he reminisces about working with his friend Harper, then receives a letter from him saying he’s “transitioning to live as a woman.” So they decide to have a road trip about it. 

Click the pic below to see the trailer. Warning: you may get creeped out by a monotone and very male Harper Steele in mod glasses and a lady-cut intoning, “I’m not Andrew Steele anymore.” Cue Psycho theme music. 

Let’s see what X/Twitter users had to say to Netflix on that thread. 

This guy is right on the money. He’s talking about the popular movie ratings website Rotten Tomatoes, which is known to be staffed by wokies who rate any postmodern garbage as genius while the audience rating for the same dreck gives it a thumbs down. 

There’s always one dummy. 

Tell us, readers, will you be taking the road trip with Will and “Harper?”


McCain Family With Egg on Face After Arlington Revelation

Oh, hypocrisy. Where would modern politics be without you? 

You’ve probably heard about the furor over Donald Trump’s recent visit to Arlington Cemetery. It’s hard to avoid because the leftist media and politicians will not stop shrieking about how “disrespectful” Trump was to pose for photographs with the families of military servicemen killed in Afghanistan… who invited him.

CNN is lying and calling Trump’s appearance at the cemetery a “campaign event” to make it seem like Bull In A China Shop Vulgar Trump exploited grieving military families to bolster his ego and election chances. You can see the network lying right in their own story. 

What actually happened is quite different. A group of Gold Star families held a memorial ceremony at Arlington last week in remembrance of the 13 American soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan during the disastrous withdrawal in 2021, presided over by Joe Biden. 

Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, Cackler in Chief, got on social media over the past weekend to accuse Trump of staging a political event and shaming military families. But the families invited Donald Trump themselves because neither Joe Biden nor Harris would even respond to their invitation, let alone show up. 

Many of these families present released videos defending Trump and criticizing the Biden-Harris administration for ignoring their responsibility for the deaths of their family members and not even bothering to respond to an invitation to a remembrance gather. Mark Schmitz, father of Jared Schmitz, one of the 13 killed during the withdrawal, said they invited Trump to the gathering because “we wanted a leader.”

But the left will stop at nothing, even stooping to insulting the families of war dead, in order to get Bad Orange Man. 

Now CNN’s Natasha Bertrand thinks she’s got a major scoop about the son of the late Senator John McCain. Jimmy McCain confirmed that he has switched to the Democrat party so that he can vote for Kamala Harris. Jimmy was feeling quite righteous, calling Trump’s appearance with the Gold Star Families a “violation.”

But there’s one little problem – his father *actually* used Arlington to campaign.

You can watch the ad for yourself below:

That’s right. Jimmy’s own father was rebuked in 1999 by Arlington Cemetery staff for actually filming a political ad at the graveyard without permission. 

Good God—what is it with these people?

Here’s what the internet had to say. 

You’ve got to feel for this guy, who quaintly believes the truth still matters. 

This user pointed out that Natasha Bertrand of CNN quickly modified her X/Twitter post to turn off comments. These people do NOT like being talked back to. 

Bet Jimmy McCain won’t like this one bit. 

Don’t know if this claim is true, but it is interesting:


Kam Kam Brings Back Her Fake Southern Accent

Readers, set down for a spell wid me, y’hear? 

Oh, sorry—got caught up in the down-home authenticity of Kamala Harris on the campaign trail. People talk about the word salad she usually serves, but there’s something off about the dressing, too.

What is her accent? How many does she have? And which one is real? 

These are not easy questions to answer. Depending on where she is and who she’s talking to, Kamala Harris can sound like a typical Millennial corporate girl-boss who thinks vocal fry makes her sound serious, or like she’s trying out for a pancake syrup commercial in old Dixie.

You could hear it in her recent softball interview with CNN’s Dana Bash (also with her security blanket, running mate Tim Walz). Harris alternated between the low-pitched croaking vocal fry that some women use to sound “serious,” and a high-pitched, little-girl-with-a-small-mouth cutesy tone. Her voice can’t decide what it wants to be, because Harris cannot decide who she wants to be.

Well, really, she wants to be all things to all people, which is likely why she changes up her speaking pattern so drastically depending on her audience. Some would call that smart politics; others would call it sociopathy. 

Let’s look back at just a few weeks ago when Kam Kam was speaking to an audience in Georgia. Remember, this is a woman who grew up in solidly middle class Berkeley, but she can’t even be honest about that. Even the New York Times, partisan as it is, called her on the carpet for having “virtually erased Berkeley, her hometown, from her campaign biography.”  Whatever her natural accent, it’s highly likely to sound like a middle class kid from California. 

So where in tarnation did this drawl come from? 

You can watch a video of her most recent drawl below – which also includes three minutes of other cases where Harris did exactly this.

Let us render the most recent into the written word for you:

“You awl hay-alped us do that and you goan help us agin in twunneh-twunneh-foe-wer.” Given how eager she is to portray herself as an integral part of the historic civil rights movement (“And, you know, there was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me.”), one half expects her to say she was the little girl in the old Shake-n-Bake Commercial, too. 

Southern-fried Kam Kam is out on the trail again, this time—strangely—in Detroit. Watch that below – and then compare it to how she spoke in Pittsburgh when she delivered the exact same line. As you were expecting, she magically adopted a new accent within hours (both clips are in the video below):

Slay, kween?

We know what we think of this linguistic legerdemain, but let’s see what the internet thinks!

OK y’all this one done burnt my biscuits:


Uh-oh, someone dragged Hillary into this:

Big Government

Elon Musk Warns About Brazilian Crackdown as X is Banned

After Donald Trump, X/Twitter owner Elon Musk is the man who gets liberals into a frothing rage more than anyone else. When the owner of SpaceX and Tesla bought the social media company in October of 2022, the “in-group” of leftist journalists and activists on Twitter went berserk. 

They had become used to a rigged playing field that allowed them to spew whatever they wanted while being able to shut down any dissent. Users in the center to the right lost their Twitter accounts constantly because the woke progressives would mass-report any user who broke the sacred rules of modern leftism. “Misgendering,” which is what the lunatics call the act of referring to a man as a man, was a permanently bannable offense under what people call “old Twitter.” 

When Musk took over, the playing field started to level, and the left has never gotten over its tantrum about losing unfair privileges that allowed them to control the discourse. But none of them wield the kind of power that Brazilian judge Alexandre de Moraes does. A hard-leftist authoritarian, Moraes has been threatening Twitter for months, and now he has actually banned the entire platform from operating in Brazil. 

Can a judge do that? Apparently yes, in Brazil. But as Musk warns, it’s much worse than that. Moraes, who actually wears black judicial robes that make him look like a puritan witch-finder general (or like Darth Vader) is threatening Brazilian citizens with $9,000 a day in fines if they access the now-banned Twitter by using electronic means to get around the ban. 

It seems like nothing can convince  leftists in the west to step back from the ledge of authoritarian fantasy. They’re so enraged by anyone or anything—but most especially non-leftist men who talk back to the mommy state—who doesn’t want a Trump or a Musk imprisoned that they cannot be reasoned with. But if their fondest dreams of government censorship come true here in America, even leftists will understand what they’ve done when they’re in the gulag along with the rest of us deplorables. 

Let’s sample the reaction to Musk’s post. 

It’s good to see Lily Tang Williams, who survived Mao’s cultural revolution in China and is now begging Westerners to stop the march toward Communism before it’s too late. 

Ashley puts the new $9,000 a day fine for Brazilian Twitter users into stark perspective:

User Wendy Patterson counsels a hands-off approach that would force the people of Brazil to clean their own house:

Do you miss Ronald Reagan? We do. 

If we have any British readers, this is what prime minister Keir Starmer looks like to many of us freedom-loving Americans:

Left-wing extremism, LGBTQ+

Vermont Health Dept. Says Stop Using “Son” and “Daughter”

Wokespy readers, your faithful correspondent lives in Vermont, so I can guarantee that what you’re about to see is actually “normal” in this woke-captured state. It’s a shame, because Vermont is exactly as beautiful as it looks in the postcards. There’s no trickery in the tourist advertising. This rural state of less than 700,000 people really is full of rolling green mountains and tiny Victorian hamlets. The villages feature the classic white church spires and town greens that many people think exist only in old Hollywood movies. 

But this state is deeply, deeply weird. That’s not actually strong enough: Vermont is sick in the head. 

I have a confession: I’m a former liberal Democrat. When I moved to the Green Mountain State in 2002 to take a job with a nonprofit (I know!), the leftward tilt didn’t stand out to me, since I was part of the crowd. But over the years it’s gotten worse to the point of being absolutely bonkers. Indeed, Vermont’s extremity is part of what forced me to mature and become a conservative.

Check this out from LibsOfTikTok:

That’s right. The state health department believes it is in their wheelhouse to tell fully grown-up, adult residents what they may and may not call their children. They want you to de-sex your family members by never using words like “son” or “daughter,” but to use “child” or “kid” instead. I’m only surprised they didn’t recommend “kiddo,” which seems to be one of the new terms liberal uber-mommies use to signal their allegiance to tribe blue hair. 

And God forbid anyone should accurately refer to an “extended family,” because the Vermont Dept. of Health thinks grandma might be upset by that? Strange, since this type of state bureaucrat thinks of anyone elderly enough to have common sense to be a backward bigot whose feelings don’t count anyway. 

If this kind of weird linguistic lecturing from a health department strikes you as strange, trust me, it’s “Vermont normal.” The state is doing much, much worse to destroy the health of confused children from troubled families. In 2023, the state passed a so-called “trans sanctuary state” bill. This legislation has legalized the parental kidnapping of children caught up in custody battles. If a mother (and it’s almost always the mother) wants to trans little Johnny and have his genitals removed because he’s “really a girl,” she can take him out of their home state and bring him to Vermont. Once here, the state’s police, social workers, and courts, are barred by law from cooperating with an arrest or extradition warrant for the abducting parent. 

Worse, our state’s “Republican” Governor Phil Scott signed the bill with enthusiasm. 

Compared to that bill giving the law’s blessing to vivisecting children, the health department’s language nannying seems positively tame. Let’s see what people on social media made of it. 

The general public has better sense about children’s needs than the state does, for sure:

Some comic relief:

Speaking as a former progressive, Craig has hit the nail on the head:

Congress, COVID

White House Vax Censor Now Helping Elect Kam-Kam Harris

You won’t be surprised to learn what LibsOfTikTok has brought to our attention: apparently one of the main White House employees who ordered Facebook to censor news coverage unflattering to the Democratic agenda is now the deputy campaign manager for Democratic nominee Kamala Harris. 

You really have to see what Rob Flaherty wrote to Facebook in April, 2021. While the email from Flaherty has redacted the name of the recipient, it does show that the message was sent to an employee at “” What’s remarkable is the dictatorial tone Flaherty takes in talking to Facebook; it’s the tone an angry boss might use toward an employee who didn’t do her job. Except the White House is allegedly full of public servants who work for Americans, not the other way around. 

Flaherty writes:

“. . .the top post about vaccines today is tucker (sic) Carlson saying they don’t work. Yesterday was (conservative commentator) Tomi Lehren saying she won’t take one. This is exactly why I want to know what ‘Reduction’ actually looks like. . “

He sounds awfully bossy, no? Clearly, Facebook was talking to the White House and making promises to ban or de-boost any conservative voices who expressed any skepticism at all about the Covid vaccines. 

Remember when you could get banned from social media, fired from your job, and “canceled” by your friends and family for refusing to take a hastily produced vaccine? Millions of Americans said no to the government and employers who tried to force them to inject the unproven mixture, and many paid a big price by losing their livelihoods and family connections. What left heads spinning was how rapidly—almost overnight—so many Americans accepted this kind of sinister authoritarianism from the government and their loved ones. 

But now in 2024, even the New York Times, which is nothing but a mouthpiece for liberal left, is admitting that citizens around the country who think they were sickened by the jab are being ignored. 

Kam-Kam’s deputy campaign manager Rob Flaherty is in the spotlight after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted in a letter to the House Judiciary Committee that the White House pressured his company to silence skeptical Americans. While he claims to be sorry about buckling under, the damage is already done. 

People on social media are not in a forgiving mood. Here are some of the reactions to the news that the censorious Flaherty is now working to elect Cacklin’ Kamala:

This user’s comment is right on the money: the Communists don’t hide anymore because they don’t have to in America. 

We’ll live you with some grim humor. 

DEI Pushback, Woke

Matt Walsh Infiltrates White-Woman-Bashing Dinner Parties in New Film

Conservative podcaster and commentator Matt Walsh broke most of the rules of liberal Hollywood in 2022 with his wildly successful comic documentary What is a Woman. He traveled the world asking that simple question, which has, unbelievably, become incredibly difficult to answer in the West as society has succumbed to the insanity of gender ideology.

The only people in the film who seemed to understand how crackpot the question really is were the members of the African Masai tribe, who had no idea that Westerners had forgotten the difference between men and women. 

Click below to start the hilarity. 

Now Walsh is tweaking the noses of the progressive left by asking another short question. Am I Racist is the title of his new film. Taking the same approach he did for What is a Woman, Walsh manages to sneak himself into the conferences and dinner parties of the mentally unbalanced left who worship at the feet of narcissistic race grifters like Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility. 

If you didn’t know that these people exist, you would think Walsh made them up. But we can assure you that they are real.

Regina Jackson and Saira Rao run a white-woman mortification scheme called “Race 2 Dinner.” White women paid $2,500 for the privilege of having dinner with the pair and other white women while being told that they’re awful Karens who were born with the original sin of racism simply because their skin is white. Yes, it does seem reasonable to suspect there’s a sexual and sadomasochistic element to these dire affairs. 

Disguised in a bad wig and a Covid mask, Walsh managed to get hired as a catering waiter for one of the dinners. You have to watch this clip to believe it. Saira Rao bizarrely starts out claiming that she, an Indian woman, “used to be a white woman, an unsuccessful one,” before excoriating her white female dining companions for being awful people who live miserable lives. Everyone gets their jollies their own way, apparently. 

As she attempted to lecture at her race-baiting dinner, Walsh interjected to completely derail the discussion in the funniest way possible – concluding with Walsh asking attendees to raise a glass if they’re racist – to which nearly the entire table complied.

Wokespy readers, we hope you let us know how this “hit you” in the comments below. Let’s see what people on social media had to say. 

Galen was laughing despite himself:

Isn’t it amazing what a little piece of cloth in the form of a face diaper will do? 

We don’t know about you, but we’re with this guy:

Democrats, Ethics

Arizona Mayor Has Citizen Arrested for Criticizing City Council in Public

If you’re not afraid of losing the country you love and kissing your constitutional rights goodbye, you will be after you see this. 

The video below shows the Mayor of Surprise, Arizona, ordering the arrest of a local woman to eject her from a public meeting of the Surprise City Council. Local resident Rebekah Massie took her turn at the podium during the public comments period in order to criticize the city attorney and his salary. 

Free speech is on life support.

When you listen to the nearly three-minute video, Surprise Mayor Skip Hall tells Massie to stop talking. Why? Because she was criticizing city councilors and city staff by name, which Hall claimed was against the rules.

Huh? It is amazing what petty tyrants will do when they think they can get away with it, and Hall clearly thought he was going to get away with it. He did, in the moment. An obedient cop who seems unfamiliar with the First Amendment dutifully dragged Massie out in full view of everyone. Like cowards, the entire city council sat their mute while Massie was unconstitutionally silenced. It doesn’t seem like anyone in the crowd had her back either. 

They always appeal to “the rules,” these commissars. Rules they made up, and rules they believe supersede the United States Constitution. Mayor Skip Hall was keen to point out the rules printed on speaker sign-up forms:

“Oral communications during the City Council meeting may not be used to lodge charges or complaints against any employee of the City or members of the body…”

Convenient, no?

It looks like Hall and his city council are going to have to face some legal and perhaps financial discomfort, as legal experts say it looks like Rebekah Massie has a good first amendment case against the city. 

Constitutional law attorney Robert McWhirtier told local media, “I think that she may have a case against the City of Surprise.” The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) thinks so too. The group is mainly devoted to protecting the constitutional rights of students on college campuses, but it has begun to pick up broader free expression cases that the woke-compromised American Civil Liberties Union will no longer touch. 

Public reaction on social media will both inspire and disappoint you. Many Americans who understand their constitutional rights are four-square behind Massie. 

Another user is asking a question we bet Mayor Skip Hall would find “inappropriate.”

Sadly, your fellow Americans also include people who don’t understand their own rights, and don’t seem to think they need them in the first place. It’s amazing how many adults seem to actually believe that ice cream social rules govern what citizens may and may not say in government meetings. 

This user is correct, but what he cites is beside the point. 

The rules of free speech are not limited by one party’s subjective perception of being “attacked.” No American has to prove she didn’t “attack” a government official in order to be allowed to criticize them.

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