Surrounded by Fools: Bearded Lady Tells Ben Shapiro She’s a Man

It’s hard to say whether the fever of “gender ideology” may finally be breaking. Ever since Time Magazine declared in 2014 on its cover that America is reaching a “Transgender tipping point,” Americans have been bombarded with gender ideology. It seems there may be some cracks forming in this lunatic consensus, but if so, it’s going to take a while for the left to abandon the ideas. More on this below. 

But what is “gender ideology?” It is a constellation of ideas about sex, sexuality, humans, and “identities”, including:

  • The belief that biological sex is not real, but an arbitrary “choice.” No, it does not make sense, but yes, people do claim this. 
  • The belief that every person has a “gender identity,” and that “gender identity” is completely separate from their actual sexed body. For example, a man will be said to have a “female” “gender identity.” That means that he asserts that he believes he is a woman despite the factual reality. 
  • That a person’s “gender identity” controls whether they are male or female, with no regard to the person’s actual anatomy. 
  • Worst, the belief that children who do not conform to sex-role expectations (e.g., “boys play rough” and “girls like pretty things”) are born in the wrong body. Therefore, a little boy who likes sparkly princess stories is “really” a girl, and he should be chemically castrated and perhaps surgically, too. 

You can see what major medical institutions like the Cleveland Clinic say about “gender identity,” but be warned that allegedly scientific medical organizations are all completely captured by these magical beliefs. 

Until very recently, it has been socially forbidden to observe the obvious: a person who believes they were born in the wrong body and is actually the opposite sex has mental difficulties. Refusing to call men who claim to be women “she” has resulted in countless people being fired from their jobs and called bigots, and worse. 

But conservative commentator Ben Shapiro has  never been afraid to speak the truth. He walked right into the lion’s den recently, participating in a Youtube show called “Surrounded.” The conceit is that a speaker sits in the middle of a room surrounded by a circle of people who get a few minutes each to debate him on issues. 

That’s when this happened. 

The person on the right is not a man. She very much wants you to believe she is. She’s angry that Ben Shapiro won’t tell her that she’s a man. (It’s not clear from the video what her name is). But in reality, she is a woman on testosterone who has been “living as a man.” The picture above? That’s her swaggering over and turning the chair around to plunk down in a “manly” way (note the “manspread” sitting posture). 

In this short clip below, Shapiro and “Barb” debate the idea that someone can change their sex. Barb acts like a caricature of a macho bro-dude, hamming up the “masculine” mannerisms and speaking to Shapiro in a tone that sounds like she wants a fist fight. 

Here’s a sample of the dialogue:

Barb: First question-can men get pregnant? 

Ben: Men cannot get pregnant. 

Barb: So, I’m a transgender man, I’ve experienced SA (sexual abuse), and abortion rights affect me directly. So, if we’re talking about the American dream you live, why don’t I have access to that? Because there’s no legislation in the history of America that legislates a man’s body, so why does mine have to be legislated? I have a vagina.”

No, there isn’t more context that makes the above suddenly make sense. Here’s the whole clip

Barb wasn’t the only debate opponent who seemed, to put it generously, naïve. Here’s Ben speaking with a woman who asks, “Why does the definition of abortion have to include the death of a fetus?” Looking momentarily confused, Ben shoots back, “Because that’s literally the definition of ‘abortion’.”

You won’t be surprised to learn that his opponent does not agree. 

Click below to watch the entire hour-and-forty-minute-long video, if you’re so inclined. But be prepared, the liberal stupidity truly is off the charts.

Let’s see how X users reacted to Barb-n-Ben. 

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