LGBTQ!?@# Adds More Visual Confusion to Already-Ugly Pride Flag

Click on the video below to watch 38 seconds of an apparently legless person with a sing-song and manic affect tell you all about the latest uglification of what’s being called the “progress pride flag.” We’re going to assume that this is a man, but nothing is certain these days. 

In case you don’t want to subject yourself to that much leftie audio, Wokespy will break it down for you!

This is the original gay pride flag. It was never known as the “LGBT” flag until recently. 

Around 2015, a new set of deviants calling themselves “trans” and “queer” somehow climbed to the top of the privilege hierarchy among sexual minorities, displacing plain old-fashioned gay people with those who claimed to have different “genders.” “Abimegender,” for example, is a “gender” that is “profound, deep, and infinite.”

And that’s when the rainbow clown crew started jam-packing the old flag with all sorts of clashing colors and aesthetically baffling symbols to depict the alleged existence of ever-weirder micro-categories of sexuality. 

Our friend in the video above gives us a brief tour. After introducing the “classic” rainbow flag, he points out that the black and brown bands are to “represent people of color,” who, presumably, were not represented by the literal rainbow. Or something. The baby pink and blue stripes are there for “trans folx,” a yellow triangle for “intersex folx,” and the two feathers in what looks like a donut stand for “indigenous folks that identify as two-spirit.”

On that last one: For a group of people who say they’re concerned about being inclusive, it seems strange to represent American Indians with feathers, considering that only some tribes used them in headdresses. And that whole “two-spirit” thing? It’s not some ancient tribal tradition. The idea was coined at some gay and lesbian conference in 1990. 

Social media users are reacting as you would expect them to. 

Well, Natalia, neither can they!

User Fahrenheit533 simplifies the taxonomy for us:

There’s always at least one who says something that’s funny because it’s unkind but true:

What’s your favorite neo-gender? Tell us in the comments!

7 thoughts on “LGBTQ!?@# Adds More Visual Confusion to Already-Ugly Pride Flag”

  1. Is there a stripe for folks who realize trying to represent an infinite number of contrived categories is stupid, yet to bask in the uncritical reverence of deluded rainbow sheep who treat them like heroes they identify as something they’re not anyway?

      1. My daughter has high functioning autism and thinks this is stupid. She’s the smartest person I know.

    “All we want is for people to show some tolerance for us.” (1986)
    “All we want is for people to accept us for who we are.” (1996)
    “All we want is for people to affirm us in our identity.” (2006)
    “All we want is for people to celebrate us.” (2016)
    “All we want is for children to see us in their own identity.” (2021)
    “All we want is for those who do not celebrate us is for them to be punished.” (2022)
    “All we want is for those who aren’t us to DIE.” (2023),
    (2024)? …MAGA IS FOREVER!

  3. Scott Cunningham

    When will they add a cutout of a small child for pedophiles? An animal for zoophiles(sex with animals)? A skull for necrophiles?

    And if not, why not? After all, the goal is inclusivity, not sanity (or legality). By their logic everything is OK and MUST be celebrated.

    1. The flag, awfully convoluted and confusing as it is, serves as a metaphor for the entire movement itself.

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