7 Election-Stealing Events to Watch for Before November

Democrats seem poised to do whatever it takes to stay in the White House. That alone wouldn’t worry me so much, but they’re not the only ones with skin in the game. Corporate media, most in Big Tech, and foreign influences also seem willing to lie, cheat, and steal to prevent a second term for Donald Trump.

But what if it’s just not enough? What if massive, widespread voter fraud using their 2020 tricks combined with the border invasion of imported Democrats just won’t do the trick? They’ll know. Their internal polling is exponentially better than the public polls. We saw the results of that in 2016 when all of the public polls showed Hillary Clinton winning, yet she inexplicably cancelled her million dollar fireworks celebration days before the election. She knew. They all knew. It was the rest of us who got to watch events unfold on Election Night. They knew the outcome in advance.

This is why I’m very concerned of more acute actions being taken between now and Election Day. When the UniParty Swamp, corporate media, Big Tech, and foreign influencers are not able to carry Kamala Harris and Tim Walz over the finish line, they’ll turn to their version of “higher powers,” and I don’t mean they’re going to pray. They’ll call in the big guns in the Deep State (DS) and the Globalist Elite Cabal (GEC). They may have done so already.

When the big guns come in, they subvert the will of the people through catastrophes. We saw that in 2020. Do you think the DNC launched the plandemic? Was CNN unleashing an alleged coronavirus? Did Zuckerbucks get laundered to Wuhan? No. The Deep State and the Globalist Elite Cabal (which some believe are one in the same) weren’t going to take their chances with standard voter fraud. They needed an event to justify measures that could cover up unprecedented levels of election chicanery and Covid delivered.

Will they do the same thing in 2024? Perhaps. Monkeypox seems to be getting far more attention than it deserves. But given the time remaining and the lack of spread thus far, I’m putting another plandemic as the fourth most likely event that could give them just enough turmoil to rig another election.

Below are the seven most likely events that the DS/GEC will unleash between now and Election Day if they believe regular cheating won’t be enough. I’ve put them in reverse order of likeliness. Leave a comment below to add to or adjust the list as you see it. I’ll be talking about this during my show at noon Pacific.


Some would say this is the most likely scenario given the events unfolding overseas. I consider this the least likely to happen before the election, though I do believe we will be pushed into a war at some point shortly thereafter. Whether it’s in the Middle East, Taiwan/Philippines, Eastern Europe, or more than one, I think it’s clear that war is in our future.

And to be clear, I’m not saying that we won’t get involved in a conflict between now and the election. I’m saying we are less likely to be in a full-fledged war that would allow them to subvert or delay the election. They have bigger plans for us with war, and those plans will probably happen after the election.

Economic Collapse

The sad reality about our economy is that it actually collapsed months (years?) ago. We just haven’t seen the direct results of it but considering we’re at a point where the national debt can no longer be reversed it’s abundantly clear that the rest of the world is looking for an alternative to the U.S. Dollar.

Once that alternative presents itself, likely in the form of widespread adoption of Central Bank Digital Currencies, then the collapse that has already happened will manifest in real world events. It will happen suddenly; one day everything is okay and then events will unfold over the course of weeks if not days and chaos will ensue.

But just as with the war scenario, I believe this catastrophe is being saved for events in the near future, just not before the election.

Terrorist Attack

Now we’re starting to get into more likely scenarios. The border invasion has allowed an unknown but large number of terrorists into the nation. That’s common knowledge. What’s less known is that many, particularly those from China, have completely disappeared. Many are not staying at migrant centers or hotels in New York City. They’re just… gone.

There are only a few possible reasons that military-aged men would be given entry into the country and then whisked away on buses to God knows where, separated from the standard illegal aliens. The most likely reason is that there’s an army being built. It’s not necessarily your standard army, though that’s possible, too. Instead, it’s likely an army ready to engage in coordinated terrorist activities.

A couple dozen terrorists were able to pull off 9/11. What would hundreds be able to do? Thousands? Tens of thousands? More?


Most are saying that Monkeypox is being positioned as Big Pharma’s next money-printing scam. I sincerely hope it’s as simple as that. If not, then we can expect the fearmongering to ramp up over the next few weeks before lockdowns are declared.

As with war and an economic collapse, I believe Monkeypox is less about the election and more about getting new and improved mRNA jabs for the masses to consume. We’ll know soon enough.

Mass Protests

The last three scenarios are the most likely. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if we saw all three. Mass protests are certain to happen before, during, and after the election regardless of the outcome. The real question is whether the ones before or even during the election are significant enough to warrant drastic measures such as martial law.

If I had to put a number on it, I’d say we’re close to 20% likely to see protests that rise to the level of electoral interference. Cities will burn. The Soros armies are fully armed with professional Antifa gear. Will they deploy in full force before or after the election?

Trump Jailed

This, to me, is the most unfortunate scenario on the list. It wouldn’t be the most destructive but it would represent the end of the United States as a free country. This is the only scenario on the list in which “official” means would be the source of our nation’s demise.

Jailing Donald Trump and preventing him from being allowed to compete in the election would give the UniParty Swamp the ability to use the Constitution to subvert the Constitution. The House ultimately picks the President of the United States just as the Senate ultimately picks the Vice President. If the UniParty Swamp deems Trump ineligible as a result of his conviction and subsequent jailing, then we will have a new Civil War.

And to those who think they don’t have the power to do so, remember that all they really need to do is tie things up until January 20th, 2025. We will be in an absolute Constitution crisis, of course, but they really don’t care. Remember, they’ll do whatever it takes to hold onto power even if it means destroying the very nation they hope to control.


This is the most likely event that will happen during the election if they believe Donald Trump is poised to win. It’s both a real threat and a boogeyman. That’s a combination that sets the stage for the most turmoil from which their version of “truth” can emerge.

On this topic, I won’t go into details about how it could play out because I don’t want to be accused of giving anyone any ideas. They already know how to do it but to write it out here would be foolish nonetheless. Despite the ambiguity, it’s safe to assume that a massive cyberattack would suspend disbelief in almost any scenario. Think of it like pipes supposedly bursting in Fulton County, only more widespread and even less debunkable. That’s why I believe this is the most likely scenario; I’d put it near 40%.

Just Remember

As I said throughout the 2020 election debacle, there is something very important to remember. God is in control. If He wants Trump to win, there’s nothing anyone can do to prevent it. All of their machinations will miraculously fall short. And if He wants Trump to lose, there’s nothing we can do to stop it.

We don’t know what He has planned. All we can and must do is fight the good fight and do our part. He knows exponentially better than we do and if we get our way then chances are we’ll blow it.

For example, most of my readers would have loved to have seen the projected “Red Tsunami” of 2022 materialize. It didn’t. But here’s the thing. If it DID materialize and the GOP had a bigger majority, then Kevin McCarthy would still be Speaker of the House. Mitch McConnell might be Senate Majority Leader. The Biden-Harris regime would be electorally strengthened because they would have the narrative that all of their failings are due to Republicans controlling Congress.

If our will was done in 2022, then things would be very different today and one could argue they would be far worse.

Then, there’s the Trump scenario. The vast majority of us would have wanted Trump to not have the election stolen from him in 2020. But what if God’s plan requires Trump in office in 2025 through 2029? That wouldn’t have been possible if we got our way in 2020.

The point is this: Don’t stress over it. Work hard. Fight hard. Pray very, very hard. But don’t stress over it. We know we win in the very end regardless of what happens between now and then. We do our part and we keep pushing forward. Regardless of the results, it’s all part of the plan. Thankfully, the one who made the plan knows much more than we do.

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